Hi Robert

Am 16.01.2015 um 11:04 schrieb Robert Stoll:
Hi Stas,

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Stanislav Malyshev [mailto:smalys...@gmail.com]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 14. Januar 2015 21:26
An: Marc Bennewitz; internals@lists.php.net
Betreff: Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Skipping parameters take 2


Is it possible to use the default parameter on inheritance?

class Bar {
     function foo($a='a', $b='b') {}

class Baz extends Bar {
     function foo($a=default, $b=default) {
         // do something
         parent::foo($a, $b);
It's not part of the original proposal, and I'm not sure how easy it would be 
to implement, but it sounds like a nice
extension, I didn't think about it. Since the RFC is already in vote, I won't 
change it now, but I'll look into if
it's possible to do
it, and if the RFC is accepted, and it proves possible, I'll propose it 

Stas Malyshev
This would be quite a nice feature, even if this RFC does not pass. Just as 
hint, there are ambiguous case which need to
be considered:

interface A{
function foo($a=1);
interface B{
function foo($a="hi");
class C implements A, B{
function foo($a=default){} //what would be the default value?

The default value have be the one of the parent.
if there is no parent you have the following options:

   * Syntax error (I prefer)
   * If defined use from interface

       * If ambiguous:

           * Syntax error
           * Choose one (bad in my opinion)


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