On 2 February 2015 at 11:46, Jason Gerfen <jason.ger...@gmail.com> wrote:
> According to documentation provided about the OCB mode of AES it says the
> following:
> Section 3: The scheme
>> The tag length is an integer τ ∈ [0 .. n]. ... As for the tag length, a
>> suggested default of τ = 64 is reasonable. Tags of 32 bits are standard in
>> retail banking. Tags of 96 bits are used in IPSec. Using a tag of more than
>> 80 bits adds questionable security benefit, though it does lengthen each
>> cipher text.

In Rogaway's own OCB FAQ it states:

The number τ, the tag length of the scheme, is, like the blockcipher
E, a parameter of the mode. It’s a number 0 ≤ τ ≤ 128.


> The GCM mode is somewhat different regarding the allowed tag length(s).
> Section Output Data
>> The bit length of the tag, denoted t, is a security parameter, as
>> discussed in Appendix B. In general, t may be any one of the following five
>> values: 128, 120, 112, 104, or 96. For certain applications, t may  be 64 or
>> 32; guidance for the use of these two tag lengths, including requirements on
>> the length of the input data and the lifetime of the key in these cases, is
>> given in Appendix C.

So in both of these cases the largest tag size is 128 bits
(corresponds to the length of 16 that I mentioned - bits -> bytes). A
tag length of 16 is a safe assumption if we don't want to allow the
user to specify, however it could prevent interop with other
applications, if they require a tag of a different length.

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