
I was testing few things today and I released one bug in the serialize
function. The serialize function returns a corrupted value when it is
serializing an object that contains a __sleep magic method and this method
return some key that are not string. Ie:


If the __sleep returns a string that is not a property it is fine, it will
give the notice and the generated response is a valid serialized data (in
another words you can use unserialize to retrieve the object back). Ie,

I can try to make a patch to solve it, but before that I would like how the
behavior should be. Some options:
1) Give the notice saying the field doesn't exist and do not include on the
serialized response
2) Give the notice saying the field doesn't exist and convert the value to
string (ie, on my example the int(1) would be transformed to string(1))
3) Give a warning and return false once the input from __sleep is invalid
4) None of the above alternative
5) Don't change it

Juan Basso

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