> On 3 Feb 2015, at 3:49 am, Rasmus Lerdorf <ras...@lerdorf.com> wrote:
>> On 02/02/2015 08:38 AM, François Laupretre wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Opening the vote for :
>> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/streams-is-cacheable
>> This RFC proposes a generic way for opcode caches to decide if a given URI
>> is cacheable or not.
> Doesn't this imply that "path" is the one true cache key? There are some
> issues with that which we will have to address at some point. For
> example, when running fpm chrooted you need more than the path. We'll
> likely need a more APC-like option here to use the device+inode for the
> key. It seems like a generic mechanism like you are proposing needs to
> take this into account and provide some mechanism that tells the opcode
> cache how to determine uniqueness. Perhaps that is simply encoded into
> the path parameter, but then maybe it should have a more appropriate name.
> -Rasmus

Don't we already have this problem with chrooted FPM? I haven't tested it more 
recently, but last time I tried, opcache would fail to invalidate the cache 
after updating the file. Worked fine with a non-chroot environment. Not sure if 
this is related to the issues you mean here...
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