Hi Dimitry,

Am 19.02.2015 um 16:13 schrieb Dmitry Stogov:
Hi Nikita,

I refactored your implementation: https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/1095

I introduced a class hierarchy to minimize effect on existing code.
cacth (Exception $e) won't catch new types of exceptions.

BaseException (abstarct)
  +- EngineException
  +- ParaseException
  +- Exception
      +- all other exceptions
I really like this RFC and Exception hierarchy but one very small note:
The name of BaseException is a bit to misunderstanding to me as it clashes with the old base exception named Exception, which is by the way very often used as alias (use Exception as BaseExcepton).
I know this isn't a technical issue but it reduces readability a code.

What are your thoughts about the following names ?:




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