On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 10:55 PM, Dmitry Stogov <dmi...@zend.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 9:57 PM, Anthony Ferrara <ircmax...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > All,
> >
> > I spent a little bit of time today trying to debug an issue with 7
> > that Drupal 8 was facing, specifically regarding an array index not
> > behaving correctly ($array["key"] returned null, even though the key
> > existed in the hash table).
> >
> > I noticed that the hash table implementation has gotten orders of
> > magnitude more complex in recent times (since phpng was merged).
> >
> > Specifically, that ardata and arhash are now the same block of memory,
> > and that we're now doing negative indexing into arData to get the hash
> > map list. From Dmitry's commit message, it was done to keep the data
> > that's accessed most often in the same CPU cache line. While I am sure
> > that there are definitive performance gains to doing this, I do worry
> > about the development and debugging costs of this added complexity.
> >
> > As well as the way it increases the busfactor of the project.
> >
> > There is definitely a tradeoff there, as the change is pretty well
> > encapsulated behind macros. But that introduces a new level of
> > abstraction. But deeper than that it really makes debugging with gdb a
> > pain in the neck.
> >
> > Without hard data on this particular patch, I'm not suggesting we roll
> > back the change or anything. I more just want to express concern with
> > the trend lately to increase complexity significantly on developers
> > for the sake of performance.
> >
> > While I'm definitely not saying performance doesn't matter, I also
> > think performance at all costs is dangerous. And I wonder if some of
> > the more fundamental (even if isolated) changes such as this should be
> > way more documented and include the performance justification for
> > them. I'm definitely not suggesting an RFC, but perhaps some level of
> > discussion should be required for these sorts of changes...
> >
I agree with Anthony.

Many things however can be solved with a nice .gdbinit.
We already have dump_ht() , dump_htptr() , f.e , that I'm using heavilly to
debug HT in PHP5.
Not talking about dump_bt().

I think one step is to improve our .gdbinit with many more features, and
obviously port the actual ones to work with PHP7.

A second step is documentation.

Anthony, you know about our project phpinternalsbook.com, don't you ;-)
There has been recent discussions on IRC to actually merge this project
under php.net.

I'm really feeling enthusiast about helping or even taking the lead of such
a project : I would like php.net to hold a real, detailed documentation
about internals.

I think with PHP7 should come an internal documentation, somewhere behind
php.net , that will explain to a C-aware developper our main internal
structures and choices, especially about performance optimisations.

Have you had a look at the new Zend Memory Manager ? It has become insanely
complex, with many performance-turned code.
Same, but in a lower footprint, for the executor : the executor stack frame
has really changed from PHP5's one, and is also not very easy to debug
(with a long alloced buffer shrinked with many pointer tricks that needs
you to have a complete image of the memory buffer in your head).

I won't be able myself to document all those tricks, because I'm not the
author of them.
I think Zend, through Dmitry, Nikic, Bob or Laruence , should help us
understanding some concepts, if they are not around to help with the doc.


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