Am 30.04.2015 um 14:30 schrieb Julien Pauli:
On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 6:51 AM, Sebastian Bergmann <>

Am 30.04.2015 um 02:50 schrieb Stanislav Malyshev:
I like the idea, however we do have the deadline and the
deadline has been passed. So I wonder if we can't keep it for 7.1
  That means introducing a change in 7.0, changing it and deprecating
  part of it in 7.1, and removing said part in 7.2/8.0. Makes no sense
  to me. Either do it now for 7.0 or don't do it.

I tend to agree here.
If we introduce BaseException, deprecating it one year later (probably) is
a bad idea IMO.

We could make an exception (sic !) and add the Throwable interface to PHP7,
even after feature freeze, because it is an easy pick and having a clear
Exception model for 7.0 is to my opinion very important.
This would be very great!

If I remember right, on base discussion the BaseException vs. Throwable interface was called an implementation detail that can be changed later on. And on vote it was only some weeks before feature freeze so it would be impossible for the Throwable interface to pass before freeze.



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