FYI there was a very small discussion about it ~ 1 year ago

On 11/16/2015 10:15 AM, Chris Riley wrote:

There has been a lot of interest recently (eg psr-7) in immutable data. I'm
considering putting an RFC together to add language support for immutables:

immutable class Foo {
public $bar;
public function __construct($bar) {
$this->bar = $bar;

Immutable on a class declaration makes all (maybe only public?) properties
of the class immutable after construct; assigning to a property would
result in a Fatal error.

class Foo {
public $bar;
immutable public $baz;

Immutable on a property makes the property immutable once it takes on a
none null value. Attempts to modify the property after this results in a
fatal error.

Any thoughts?

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