Hi everyone,

As a first time poster I'm very nervous but here we go! I've recently
upgraded my development environment to PHP 7. Everything works amazing
however 1 module I used to use a lot is not ported yet to PHP 7. I've
notified the creator but I thought this also may be a good opportunity to
see if I can get some more knowledge about this subject.

I cloned the github repo and was able to remove 1 error during the
compilation process that had to do with ZVAL_STRING. This was an easy error
to fix since it came down to simply removing an argument. I've read
https://wiki.php.net/phpng-upgrading but still I feel like there should be
more resources available after seeing the amount of extensions that are
already successfully converted for PHP 7. For example I'm now stuck how to
fix an error like:

"error: too many arguments to function ‘zend_hash_get_current_key_ex’"

Googling won't really help since most results return posts of people who
fail to install modules.

How can I continue with making this work? Any good (up-to-date) resources?
An IRC channel where I can help?

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