
> The *var* keyword is not going to be deprecated and its meaning is 
> currently kind of ambiguous. I tried to assign it a new meaning in
> the

Why is it ambiguous? It's pretty well defined, it's the same as public.

> class Foo {
> val $x;
> var $y;
> val $z;
> }
> class Bar extends Foo {
> var $x;
> $y;
> $z;
> }

This looks very unobvious what is supposed to be going on here. I'd
much prefer to have every specification be explicit.

> The /z/ will stay a *val* (immutable) because its parent
> declaration is defined as such.
> class Point {
> final public float val $x = 0.0;

Wait, how is this different from a constant?

> The *final* keyword could be added via another RFC and it would
> have the same meaning as the *final* keyword for classes and
> methods: freeze the definition. This is why the *MutablePoint*
> results in fatal errors: it tries to redeclare /x/ and /y/ from
> *val* to *var* although they are *final*.

I'm not sure I understand what is the point in freezing the
definition. Could you explain use case for such thing?

> I think that Scala's *val*/*var* approach could really help us to
> make *var* usable again in a meaningful manner and it corresponds
> nicely to the concept of /value objects/ and related concepts with
> its naming scheme.

I'm not sure why var is unusable and why it is a worthy goal to make
it "usable again" - i.e. what exactly we are trying to achieve here?

If we want value objects, it *might* be valuable to have an object
that is readable but not writable from outside - even though it is
easily achievable right now by having public getters but no public
setters. But I'm not sure how "var" - or, for that matter, "final" -
fits the picture.
Stas Malyshev

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