Good morning,

On Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 1:54 PM Köditz, Martin <> wrote:
> Hi Kalle,
> > With all this being said; there is however one option in case the vote 
> > passes when it ends in about a weeks time.
> > That is for the Firebird Foundation to take over control of the extension 
> > on PECL and work out its problems and
> > re-propose it to be included back into php-src once it is in a mature state 
> > with the PHP RFC process. This means that it
> > still has the possibility of being included in PHP8 which currently is 
> > looking to be released at the end of 2020. That
> > leaves over a year to get familiar with how the PHP project works, our 
> > policies, community and guidelines.
> I think that's how we should do it. So I will have (hopefully) enough time to 
> understand the extension development and get into the process of the PHP 
> community.
> By the way:
> Pierre Joye mentioned to request access via a github account at 
> I read the complete instruction. But I'm 
> still unable to process successfully. I always get an error saying the answer 
> is not correct. Surely I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what. 
> That's a similar problem as with the subscription form. Please consider to 
> make it more user friendly. I am sure other people will fail as well.

Sorry, my reply was not clear.

You will need a PHP account to login into PECL and do releases.

My remark about github is about using github to host your code instead
of, if you are more familiar with it or prefer to use it.
F.e. I did it for most of my extensions as github is easier and much
more friendly for new contributors.

Code repository and are not linked to each other.

No matter where you host your code, to do a pecl release you will:
- create a tag in your repository
- call pecl package to create a tgz paclage (see f.e.).
interbase-1.2.3.tgz, which is created using the package.xml in the
- upload the package to
- once uploaded it will be directly available via the website

You can find many package.xml examples in and various
documentations are available.

> What are the next steps? In which area should I register as a maintainer? In 
> the ext or PECL area? How do I do that and who is my contact person?

Request an account here:
and here: (need for docs,
or if you want to maintain the extension in

By the way, the documention
( is maintained in

I hope it makes thing a little bit more clear.


@pierrejoye |

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