International School of Yoga "Swami Maitreyananda" of Germany
Yoga Integral Ganapati -Germany

Formation as Yoga Instructor
Duration: 1 year
200 Hour Standard

Formation as Yoga Teacher
Duration: 2 years, based on the formation of Yoga-Instructor
500 Hour Standard

Formation in the Massage Shiatsu (12 Modules)
Formation in the ayurvedic Massage Abhyanga (12 Modules)
Formation in the Massage Zen Tai Shiatsu (24 Modules)

The formations will be accomplished by the standards of International Yoga 
Federation (
I'm authorized by my Master Swami Maitreyananda to conduct the formations 
mentioned above under his care.

Yoga Integral
Offers Yoga Classes:
Yoga Integral - Ashtanga Vinyasa - Hatha Yoga - Yoga Classic - Power Yoga 
Yoga Asymmetric - Zen Yoga - Yoga Artistic - Yoga Kurunta - Yoga Therapy 
Meditation Yoga for pregnant women - Yoga for seniors - Yoga for children
Yoga for adolescent persons - Yoga for women in the menopause

What is Yoga Integral?
The Aurobindo-Sivananda-Ashram of my Master Swami Maitreyananda is dedicated to 
the both grand fathers of Yoga Integral: Sri Aurobindo and Swami Sivananda. My 
Master and therefore also my teachings give a big importance to the corporal 
progress. Yoga is not theory, is a practical way of life. In that the corporal 
progress is different by all people in reference to the criterions flexibility, 
endurance, fortitude and dynamic, the Yoga Integral School of my Master has 
integrated many different Yoga methods- and styles in ONE school. By this big 
and manifold offer every student has the possibility to choose the method that 
is able for him or depend of his sentiment or his condition to change 
constantly his choice. 

By the variegated and partly here in Germany unknown Yoga methods, which I 
offer, the students can find out the method who are capable for them or they 
can decide to practice more Yoga methods, too.
I lead the classes in one wise, that every student is guided during the whole 
Yoga class. He has the liberty to practice every posture accordant to his 
corporal flexibility or/and his mental ability.
To participate in my Yoga classes\x92 one person mustn\x92t be flexible; also 
it does not depend of age or gender. All Yoga postures (Asanas) will be 
exercise also sideward, rotary and asymmetric \x96 By this characteristic in 
cooperation with the correct respiration will be provide each least fiber of 
the body with oxygen. Our by nature different constructed parts of body can 
cause disorders, if they come to much in disharmony. By continuous 
participation at my Yoga classes could be avoid malposition of body or rather 
revise those. Body, mind and soul harmonies and the student keeps exhilarated 
and at the same time relaxed and balanced. 

Stress accomplishment
Reducing weight
Dissolving energy blockades and muscle hardenings
Bidding of self-assurance and self development
Correction of body malpositions
Fortification of muscles and organs
Optimal Blood- and Oxygen supply by the whole body
Harmonization of the corporal systems 
(cardiac-, circulation- endocrinal system)
Correct Respiration
Better Concentration- and memento capacity
Harmony between body, mind and soul

>From June 2008 in the Burgher-Center Ehrenfeld, Venloer Str. 429:
Yoga Integral: Every Tuesday 18旭 - 19旭 h
Trial lesson: Tuesday, 27of May 2008 at 18旭 h
(Cost sharing: 5 \x80). Afterwards briefing, occasion to register for the 
current classes. 

Additional I offer in the Burgher-Center Ehrenfeld:
 Yoga for people from 50
 Yoga for children
 Yoga for juveniles
 Yoga for pregnant women
 Yoga for women in the menopause

Workshop Yoga Integral:
Appointed day: Saturday, 07 of June 2008 from 10.00 h- 16.00 h 
Location: Burgher-Center K\xF6ln-Ehrenfeld, Venloer Str. 429
Contents: Theory and practice: Yoga Integral, Yoga Artistik, Zen Yoga, 
Meditation, Mantras
Expense loading: 45,00 \x80 per person
Everybody can participate, also without Yoga-Knowledges 

Bring along warm socks, comfortable clothes, maybe light self-catering (Cafe in 
the burgher-center), water available. In-house car park.
Whole-time Workshop Yoga Integral:
Appointed day:   27.09.2008 from 10.00 h \x96 17.00 h
Location:        Meister Eckehart Haus K\xF6ln (
Contents:        Meditation, Mantra singing, Theory and Praxis in Yoga Integral 
(we practice various Yoga methods- and styles
Expense loading:         55, 00 \x80 per person
(Please keep meals and drinks with you, kitchen is available)
Other workshops, seminars and cu

By interest for my classes and/or workshops basic 
phone me or send me an e-mail

Petra B\xE4ssler
Professional Yoga Teacher Trainer in Yoga Integral and Holistic Massages 
Honorary member of IYF for Germany, Switzerland and Holland (International Yoga 
Federation) Member of BDY 

Merheimer Str. 334
50733 K\xF6ln   

0221 59810524
0176 53033847

1989 \x96 2007 I leaved, worked and studied overseas (Spain, Dominican 
Republic, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Argentina, Brazil, Canary Islands).

I\x92 am trained in Yoga, Yogatherapy, Ashtanga Yoga, Yoga Integral, Yoga 
Kundalini, Power Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga, Zen Yoga, Artistic 
Yoga, dynamic Yoga, sportive Yoga, Zen Yoga, Yoga Kurunta, Yoga in the 
education , Shiatsu, Chakras, Vipasana, Meditation, Abhyanga, Tai Chi, Karma 
Yoga, Japa Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Thai Yoga Massage, Reiki.

The formations as Yogateacher, Trainer of Yogateacher and Trainer in Holistic 
Massages I made like direct disciple of Swami Maitreyananda in his Aurobindo 
Sivananda Ashram & International Yoga School in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I\x92 
am graduated with international recognized diplomas of International Yoga 

In Thailand I learned the original Thai Yoga Massage in the Sunshine Network of 
Asokananda. Also I get to know the monastery life and by jungle hikes in 
Thailand and Indonesia I could engross my nature solidarity I had by my long 
experience like trekking-guide.

In India I complete a 4 week Hatha Yoga course by the Indian teacher Vinod 
Kumar Gupta, also Reiki Level 1 + 2. I visited various Ashrams, under it the 
Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Auroville and the Sri Sai Baba Ashram in Bangalore. In 
the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Dhanwantari Ashram in Neyyar Dam, Kerala, South 
India, I met Yogacharya Carlos M. Perez, president of European Yoga Alliance. 
By him I find to my master Swami Maitreyananda.

In Argentina I participated in national and international Yoga Artistic 
competitions and got initial placing.

After finish my theoretical examinations my master sends me to a spiritual 
journey, by there I got more deep meetings with masters and Yoga teachers and 
more experience in Yoga schools of Argentina and Brazil. There I gave Yoga 
classes and instruct formation modules. Radio- and television channels gave me 
the opportunity to present my work.
With my best friend, Ralf Fl\xFCchter, who has the same formations like me, I 
developed the Massage Zen Tai Shiatsu.

In Grand Canary I led a Yoga- and Massage center.

Since June 2007 I \x91am leaving in Cologne, Germany, where I \x91am working 
with Yoga and Massages.

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