Time To ID Identity-Theft Solutions
By Larry Lange
"Identity-Theft Reports Soar!" "Internet Makes It Easier To Steal ID!"
"Personal Data In Danger!" Those were the headlines back in 2000, when the
Federal Trade Commission noted the spike in ID theft. Things sure have
changed since: The situation has gotten much worse.

Forget for a moment (if you can) the recent scam involving the theft of
more than 30,000 credit reports. A study by Meridian Research predicts that
by 2006 nearly a million people a year could find themselves victims of ID
theft, with losses adding up to $8 billion annually.

Software vendors and standards groups are moving into action. New gear
targets insider hacking (where much of the theft begins), while Oasis has
ratified the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), which governs how
apps can exchange security information via XML. But these are baby steps.
Worse, the government seems completely lost: The FTC merely offers a
toll-free number (1-877-ID-THEFT), and the Justice Department provides an
online quiz about ID theft (
criminal/fraud/idquiz.pdf). Wowie.

Some security insiders say that with more and more personal information
residing on networks, identify theft may be unavoidable. But if the only
advice they can offer is "get used to it," then maybe it's time to ID a new
set of experts.

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