Title: RE: internet payment conferences

eBillXchange's EIPP 2003 (September 22-24, 2003 in Tampa) or Internet Billing Week 2004, Feb 16-18 2004 in Scottsdale.

For more information, visit www.ebillx.com or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Dumm
To: Internet-Payments
Sent: 6/4/03 6:20 PM
Subject: internet payment conferences


I was hoping to go to an educational conference about internet payments
sometime in the next 12 months.

Does this group have any that they recommend?


Richard Dumm
eCommerce Consultant
Pennsylvania State University
Administrative Information Services
21 Shields - University Park, PA  16802
Tele: 814-777-7424  Fax: 814-865-3504
Paging: Clear text email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
AIS eCommerce Info: http://ais.its.psu.edu/ecommerce

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