In Brief: EFTA to Adopt ATM Anti-Fraud Measures

American Banker       Wednesday, June 18, 2003

By David Breitkopf

The Electronic Funds Transfer Association's board of directors voted
unanimously on June 11 to adopt a set of recommendations to combat fraud
using automated teller machines.

The recommendations were written by the Washington group's ATM Integrity
Task Force, which was formed last year to come up with ways to thwart the
skimming of financial data from debit cards at teller machines.

Suggested measures included improving PIN security and upgrading older
machines to modern encryption standards and having ATM deployers check the
credentials of the company operating the machines on their behalf.

The EFTA seems poised to make the ATM Integrity Task Force a permanent
council. An August meeting will probably address point of sale security,
executives of the association said.

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