May I interrupt your crusade against X.509?

I would like to know what you consider redundant in an
X.509 certificate.

Is it the account number (Subject DN)?
Is it the public key?
Is it the extension pointing to an OCSP responder?
Or is is rather the CA signature and associated
path-validation (and build) that you consider a problem?

Anyway, disregarding the fact that account-based infrastructures
have little support in current SW platforms, how would an
account-based infrastructure be implemented for an e-government
scenario where several millions of citizens (having a state-
defined "account number") are served by thousands of independent
"e-services"?  The X.509 version of this is running in Sweden
and uses a number of independent TTP CAs (mostly banks)
to provide certificates with the proper "account number".


----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2003 22:29
Subject: Confusing Authentication and Identiification?

Early in the x9.59 process there were a number of blatently erroneous
assertions that account-based represented a closed infrastructure while
certificate-based repesented an open infrastructure.

Basically, in both account-based and certificate-based infrastructures ...
there can be public key owners, relying parties, and certification bodies.
An account-based infrastructure tends to provide online certification while
a certificate-based infrastructure tends to create stale, static copies of
information (kept in accounts by the certification authority) that can be
used in offline scenarios.

In both account-based and certificate-based operations, you could have the
same exact information being certified, the same exact public key owners,
the same exact relying parties and the same exact certifying authorities.

An account-based and certificate-based operation can be equally closed or
open based on the type of  information being authenticated and the degree
of trust that the certifying bodies have among the population of relying
parties. The blatently erroneuous statement about account/certificate
operations differing by being closed/opened wasn't the differentiator; the
differentiator between account/certificate operations tends to be whether
it is an online operation vis-a-vis offline operation.

The other scenario, was that some x.509 identitfy certiificate operations
fell into the trap of thinking that they could grossly overload
certificates with large amounts of identity and privacy information and
widely publish and distribute the information all over the world. As it
began to dawn on them that this probably wasn't a good thing, there was a
significant reduction in the types of information that might be published
in a certificate (many financial institutions retreating to a
relying-party-only certificate containing a public key and a customer
account number). As the types of identity and privacy information that
might be globally published became more & more restricted, effectively
certificates became more and more of a closed environment. In that sense,
the FSTC FAST paradigm actually represents more of an open infrastructure
than any of the privacy tainted certificate paradigms, since it is possible
for FSTC FAST to provide online response to an "over 21" assertion w/o
divulging the birth date, or to provide an online response to "pay $100"
assertion w/o divulging the account balance or the person's name or

The issue regarding account-based vis-a-vis certificate-based is one of
online vis-a-vis offline. However, a online infrastructure has some degree
additional latitude in validating various kinds of authenticated assertions
w/o unnecessarily divulging identity and/or privacy information which would
typically be found in a certificate-based implementation.

In that sense, given any concern over not wanting wide-spread publication
and distribution of large amounts of identity and privacy information, an
online certification operation might be considered to be somewhat more open
than a certificate based information .... since it could perform more types
of (online) validations w/o unnecessarily widely publishing identity and
privacy information. The online paradigm tends to also deal with much more
dynamic data (like current account balance) which can be of much more value
compared to the offline paradigm (like  whether or not a person did or
didn't have a specific bank account at some time in the past).

somewhat related, the IETF AAA working group just published a new RFC
3539 PS
     Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) Transport Profile,
     Aboba B., Wood J., 2003/06/20 (41pp) (.txt=93110) (was

for a complete list of AAA working group RFCs go to
and select "Term (term->RFC#)" and then scroll down to
"Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting"

Authentication, Authorization and Accounting
     see also accounting , authentication , authorization
     3539 3127 2989 2977 2906 2905 2904 2903

past discussions of relying-party-only certificates:

misc. past threads with open/closed & aads/cads: KISS for PKIX. (Was: RE: ASN.1
vs XML (used to be RE: I-D ACTION :draft-ietf-pkix-scvp- 00.txt)) revised Shocking Truth about
Digital Signatures PKI: Evolve or Die CFP: PKI research workshop privacy issues landscape & p-cards ALARMED ... Only Mostly Dead ...
RIP PKI .. addenda ALARMED ... Only Mostly Dead ...
RIP PKI ... part II surrogate/agent addenda (long) Payments as an answer to spam solicit advice on purchase of
digital certificate Using a self-signed certificate
on a private network Beginner question on Security

Internet trivia, 20th anv:

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