Most radio listening takes place in the car or while doing other things that 
allow freedom for the ear, but not the eyes and hands.  Podcasts permit a shift 
of listening time from a set appointment to virtually any convenient occasion.  
I do it while “power walking” (most) every other day.  The “art” of putting one 
foot in front of the other can be pretty monotonous and by “podding along” 
while I’m plodding along my mind gets something to do along with my body.  Some 
of the best radio comes from the public networks of the UK, Australia, Ireland, 
Canada, New Zealand and the U.S.  Apart from the originating program’s web 
site, most programs are made available through any number of other amalgamation 
sources such as iTunes and TuneIn. Here’s another in a continuing series of 
small samplings:


“Moral Majority”
WITNESS - BBC World Service
In June 1979 the Moral Majority was launched and changed the course of American 
politics. It was set up to promote family values by religious conservatives 
from Catholic, Jewish and evangelical Christian communities. It urged 
protestants in particular to go against the tradition of separating politics 
and religion and register to vote, and to vote Republican. Richard Viguerie was 
one of the driving forces behind the movement. (9”)

“The Future of the Internet”
CLICK - BBC World Service
The future of the internet is at risk if we do not act now says experts from 
the Global Commission on Internet Governance. Their report entitled One 
Internet contains recommendations to ensure secure, accessible and affordable 
online freedom for years to come. The two-year project by the Centre for 
International Governance Innovation and Chatham House has brought together 
almost 70 advisers from around the world to develop this strategy for internet 
governance. (27”)

“America’s Independent Voters”
America is in the middle of its most volatile presidential election season in 
half a century. The traditional political parties are being shaken to the core 
by voters who are not necessarily Democrats or Republicans, so called 
'independent' voters. So far independents have led to the polarising figure of 
Donald Trump gaining the Republican nomination and the unlikely figure of 
Bernie Sanders leading a serious challenge to the Democrats', HIllary Clinton.
What might the independents do next?  Michael Goldfarb travels to the key state 
of Ohio - a state that has voted for every presidential winner over the last 50 
years - to meet with independent voters. He explores the anger that is 
motivating independents this year. He places their views in the deeper 
historical context of changes in American society - changes that have hit Ohio 
hard.. (27”)


Good listening!

John Figliozzi
Editor, "The Worldwide Listening Guide"
New 7th edition now available from Universal Radio, Amazon and
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