Podcasts permit a shift of listening time from a set appointment to virtually 
any convenient occasion.  I do it while “power walking” (most) every morning 
when weather permits.  Hence…Podding Along!

Some of the best radio comes from the public networks of the UK, Australia, 
Ireland, Canada, New Zealand and the U.S.  Apart from the originating program’s 
web site, most programs are made available through any number of other sources. 

This continuing series of small samplings in more or less 90 minute helpings 
are curated by me.  I attest to the fact that I have listened to every podcast 
listed here.  So admittedly these are thoroughly subjective recommendations.  
But my interests and tolerance for incompatible topics and views are pretty 
wide-ranging, even if I do say so myself. 

__ __

“The bravery and anger of Afghanistan's schoolgirls”
The attack on a Kabul school on May 8th heightened fears about what will happen 
when US and NATO troops fully withdraw from the country. More than 80 people 
were killed – most of them schoolgirls. It was in an area west of the city, 
home to many from the minority Hazara community, often targeted for attack. 
Lyse Doucet talked to some of the survivors and heard of their anger at the 
failure to protect them.
In East Jerusalem, a battle over property has channelled long-held tensions and 
unresolved grievances. In the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood, protestors have been 
trying to stop Israel evicting eight Palestinian families. Israel’s Supreme 
Court has delayed a hearing on the evictions, but the case, along with 
complaints of heavy-handed policing of the Al Aqsa compound during Ramadan, 
ignited the recent round of violence in Gaza, the West Bank and Israel. Paul 
Adams visited the streets at the heart of the dispute.
Indonesia's capital Jakarta is one of the world’s most polluted cities. Now 
some of its residents have launched a court case trying to push the government 
to clean up its atmosphere. Rebecca Henschke, who lived in the city for over a 
decade, reports on their fight to breathe more easily. 
For now, Portugal is one of the places British tourists can go without 
quarantining and the hospitality industry in the Algarve is eager to welcome 
them back. Nick Beake spoke to local businesspeople hoping to get back in gear. 
Emma Jane Kirby has reported for the BBC from across Europe and beyond – in 
settings ranging from the glitz of the Cote d’Azur to the squalor of Sangatte. 
She's covered big stories and described plenty of dramatic scenes, from 
shipwrecks to furious street protests. But she’s now working in a different 
world … the fictional universe of the Archers. (29”)

“The Base Tapes - Part 2”
Secret recordings reveal how a global white supremacist terror group dedicated 
to inciting a race war recruited young Australian In the second and final 
episode of his investigation, Alex Mann tracks down the two youngest candidates 
who applied to join the neo-Nazi group and tries to find out how they were 
radicalized. (46”)

— — 

A monthly (well, mostly monthly) compendium of these newsletters, plus on 
occasion additional pertinent material, is now published in The CIDX Messenger, 
the monthly e-newsletter of the Canadian International DX Club (CIDX).  For 
further information, go to www.cidx.ca

John Figliozzi
Editor, "The Worldwide Listening Guide”
Current 184 page 9th EDITION available from Universal Radio 
[universal-radio.com], Amazon [amazon.com], Ham Radio Outlet [hamradio.com]
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