
Call for Papers

Theme: Spaces and Places
Subtitle: Geopolitics in an Era of Globalization
Type: 55th Annual Convention
Institution: International Studies Association (ISA)
Location: Toronto, ON (Canada)
Date: 26.–29.3.2014
Deadline: 1.6.2013


International relations scholars are keenly aware of the role of
temporal dynamics in understanding phenomena of international
politics, and the influence of temporality is acknowledged in works
adhering to diverse methodological traditions. It is important,
however, in both refining extant theories of global politics as well
as in developing new theories from evolving realities, to be
attentive to the contexts of those theories and the phenomena to
which they pertain. World politics must be contextualized not only in
time (across history) but also across space. Whether the units of
analysis being studied are world systems, regions, states, or other
international actors, the external and internal contexts must include
time as well as space and place. Broadly, space includes the spatial
dimension of how things stand in relation to one another across
physical space, the various ways in which the distance between and
among them may be conceptualized and measured, and the meaning of
spatial factors. Similarly, place is about where people live, where
things are located, and the ways in which people give meaning to
those places and draw their identity from them. 

Temporality by itself offers an incomplete framework for
understanding international relations. The theme of the 2014 annual
meeting, “Spaces and Places: Geopolitics in an Era of Globalization,”
calls for a more explicit and extensive attention to the spatial
elements, or the spatial contexts, of socio-political phenomena. We
encourage the submission of theme panels and papers that explore the
importance of space, the relationship between space and time, how
space and place can be studied, and the continuing challenges of
combining the study of spatiality and time in our analyses of world
politics. Moreover, these relationships are emerging and converging
in an increasingly globalized world, one in which the very meanings
of space, distance, and place are called into question as technology
– along with the growing and deepening of the interdependence it
engenders – challenges traditional patterns of interstate
interactions. The theme panels would be particularly enriched by
proposals that focus on multiple dimensions of contemporary
international relations, including whether many of the foundations of
the Westphalian system are still relevant, and in what ways.

We encourage proposals to juxtapose spatiality/distance/place and the
geopolitical context not only with the temporal dimensions, but with
the transnational aspects of globalization as well. Doing so holds
the promise of illuminating issues such as the impact of borders and
their meaning (or lack thereof); the relationships between place and
identity; the tensions between place as local with the push and pull
of globalization; the relationships among the concept and reality of
sovereignty, law and legal borders, and the context generated by the
cross-border workings of modern technology, economics, and
transnational actors. Thus, in a number of ways this theme carries
forward key elements of the two previous conference themes: dealing
with the global information age in 2012, and last year addressing the
prevalence and impact of diffusion processes.

Our theme calls for an integrative and synergistic approach to
understanding critical problems in the current international system.
As has been the case in the past, we are especially interested in
proposals for papers, panels, and roundtables that deal with these
issues through crossing boundaries and creating linkages between
academic disciplines, the subfields of both political science and
international relations, and across the various sections of ISA. We
understand and expect that different scholars and sections will
approach these questions – of theory, method, and substance – from
different perspectives and emphasize one area more than another, and
we value such synergies within panels. One consideration in our
choice of theme has been that proposals for theme panels and papers
should reflect the interests of a broad range of scholars and ISA
sections. We welcome thematic proposals from a diverse range of
theoretical, substantive, and methodological perspectives, and would
like the theme panels to broadly represent ISA membership and groups.

We expect the focus on spatiality and globalization to be of interest
to members of a number of ISA sections and groups – including Foreign
Policy, International Political Economy, International Security
Studies, Political Demography and Geography, and Scientific Study of
International Processes. The broad focus on the relationship of place
to identity and culture, along with the role of location and borders,
further extends the relevance of this theme to scholars in various
ISA sections. Examples of sections where this focus might be more
central include Ethnicity, Nationalism and Migration, Feminist Theory
and Gender Studies, and International Political Sociology.
Consideration of how broader transnational issues and globalization
interact with borders and jurisdiction, and the location of (and
jurisdiction over) groups or individuals, might be the starting
points, for example, of panels and papers for the Human Rights,
International Law, and International Organization sections. These
are, of course, just examples of some sections whose interests are
closely related to this theme; we look forward to receiving proposals
from members of all ISA sections and groups. It is important to keep
in mind that the issues and questions raised above are merely
suggestive, and could be – and should be – combined in many other

We encourage you to learn more about the various types of proposals
you can submit. The deadline for all submissions is June 1st, 2013.


Zaryab Iqbal, Program Chair
Bryan Arva, Program Assistant
Pennsylvania State University
Email: isa2...@isanet.org
Web: http://www.isanet.org/Conferences/Toronto2014.aspx


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