
Call for Papers

Theme: Universality and Particularity
Subtitle: Law and Economics in Question?
Type: 7th MetaLawEcon Workshop
Institution: Anthropo-Lab, Lille Catholic University
Location: Lille (France)
Date: 25.–26.11.2016
Deadline: 15.8.2016


The Anthropo-Lab at Lille Catholic University, in cooperation with
the interdisciplinary academic network MetaLawEcon, is organising a
workshop on Universality and Particularity: Law and Economics in
question? This will be a small scale advanced seminar, with about 20
participants (including presenters and discussants) from various
disciplines, including law, economics, philosophy, psychology, and
behavioural sciences.

The workshop will focus on the universal ambitions of Law and
Economics and explore the challenges posed by the development of new
approaches, based on multidisciplinary insights articulating
theoretical and practical issues.

Such alleged universality of Law and Economics can indeed be and has
been questioned, criticised and qualified in various ways. The
critics argue that the assumptions of Law and Economics on what the
purpose of law is, how law operates or how individuals create and
live by rules, are particular, parochial or simple-minded. They do
not hold in all domains of life, all cultures or all legal systems to
the same extent. Others acknowledge the context-dependence of
particular assumptions but hold to the general analytical and/or
normative framework provided by economics. Anthropology, experiments
‘in the field’ as well as policy direct our attention to the local
contexts and particularities of societies, leading to question the
nature of the law. This is in tension with orthodox Law and Economics
claiming to have a universal explanatory theory and a universal
normative standard. Experimental research could be seen as one way to
bridge the gap between these two approaches. By understanding the
particular better through rigorous social science, Law and Economics
could be more aware of the limits of its universality.

Related questions to be discussed at the workshop include the

- In what sense can Law and Economics, or any other theoretical
  approach to law, claim to be universal?

- Could behavioural approaches really call into question universality
  advocated by Law and Economics?

- Do “psychological” models of law pose new challenges to the
  universal ambitions of Law and Economics or, alternatively, are they
  based on what Berg and Gigerenzer (2010) call “as if” strategies? 

- What are the underlying philosophical concepts at stake when
  speaking of universality (and particularity) of law?

- How is universality related to objectivity?

- Is universality vs particularity the only alternative at our
  disposal to think the purpose of law?

- Is this universal ambition of Law and Economics related to an
  implicit American or Western bias?

- Does calling into question the universality of law necessary lead
  to relativism?

MetaLawEcon is an international interdisciplinary academic network
focusing on foundational issues of Law & Economics. Its main aim is
to serve as a forum for discussing issues at the intersection of Law,
Economics and Philosophy. Since 2010 it organises yearly workshops,
inviting scholars from various disciplines across the globe. Previous
workshops have been held at Tilburg, Bielefeld, Frankfurt, Hull,
Debrecen and Amsterdam.

Anthrop-lab or the Laboratory for Experimental Anthropology is a
multi-disciplinary research center of Lille Catholic University,
aiming to promote experimental methods in socio-economic research and
providing cross-fertilisation of various disciplines. In combining
academic rigour and societal relevance, the ambition of Anthropo-Lab
is to contribute to a better understanding of socio-economic and
anthropological changes in the world.

If you want to present a paper, please send an abstract of about 500
words for consideration to the organisers, Malik Bozzo-Rey
(malik.bozzo-...@univ-catholille.fr) and Peter Cserne
(p.cse...@hull.ac.uk) by 15 August 2016. Papers on the questions
above are especially welcome but submissions on any aspect of the
general theme will be considered, including papers using laboratory
or field experiments. Selection of papers, as well as assigned
discussants, will be determined by the organisers. The planned
notification date is 1 September 2016. If your paper is selected you
will be asked to provide a full draft no later than 7 November to be
circulated in advance among participants. 

There will be no participation fee charged for the workshop. A dinner
will be held for all invited participants on Friday evening, and
lunches will be provided on Friday and Saturday. Presenters and
discussants are offered hotel accommodation for two nights but
participants should make their own travel arrangements.


Malik Bozzo-Rey
Département d’Ethique et de Philosophie
Université Catholique de Lille
5eme étage, Bureau 813
41, Rue du Port
59046 Lille Cedex
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 13 40 92
Email: malik.bozzo-...@univ-catholille.fr
Web: https://anthropo-lab.com/conferences/


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