
Conference Announcement

Theme: Identity and Democracy in the Age of Fear
Type: International Conference
Institution: Reset-Dialogues on Civilizations
   Giorgio Cini Foundation
   Ca' Foscari University
   India-Europe Foundation for New Dialogues (FIND)
Location: Venice (Italy)
Date: 12.–14.10.2016


In October 2016, the international association Reset-Dialogues on
Civilizations in collaboration with Giorgio Cini Foundation, Ca’
Foscari University and FIND India-Europe Foundation for New Dialogues
will host a discussion in Venice about two trends in the global
political discourse across the board: the hardening and radicalization
of group identities defined around religion, race or ethnicity, and
the shift in the politics of democracies towards anti-élite and
populist movements, with a resurgence in nationalism, the growing
popularity of illiberal forces, and majoritarian tendencies rising to
the surface.

We invite speakers and participants to consider the proliferating
inequalities that characterize our political and economic situation
today: the gap, ever widening, between citizens and non-citizens
(including immigrants, guest workers and refugees) in the democracies
of Western Europe; between majority communities and minorities in
countries like India and Turkey; and everywhere between those who
claim to belong and those trying desperately to lay claim to a share
of the rights, resources and life-chances that are accessible to
so-called ‘full’ citizens.

Economic differences and socio-political conflict between different
sectional, religious and caste-based (in India) identities are
crucial issues in today’s world. A period of growth and at least
promised social mobility seems to be drawing to a close. Together
with the welfare crisis, poverty, inequalities becoming chronic
problems both in the Eastern and Western countries. Moreover, it
appears that now there is no plausible political inspiration,
ideology, party or leadership capable of breaking this impasse,
whether in Europe, India or the US.

On October 12, 13 and 14, 2016 in Venice, Reset-DoC will stage a
dialogue on these issues shaping and defining our world in ways that
pose severe challenges to inclusive development, religious pluralism
and liberal democracy. 

Among the confirmed speakers attending the conference are Giuliano
Amato, Sheri Berman, Stefano Beggiora, Giancarlo Bosetti, Thomas
Dahnhardt, Marina Forti, Maurizio Franzini, Nilüfer Göle, Niraja
Gopal Jayal, Mira Kamdar, Mukul Kesavan, Farhad Khosrokhavar, Ashis
Nandy, Nauman Naqvi, Stephen Prothero, Roberto Toscano, Ananya
Vajpeyi and many more. 

Reset-DoC welcomes students and young scholars to participate to the
Conference. Please, see all application details here below.

Project Director:
Giancarlo Bosetti (Reset-Dialogues on Civilizations)

Scientific Coordinator:
Prof. Ananya Vajpeyi (Centre for the Study of Developing Societies)

Project Managing:
Chiara Galbersanini (Reset-Dialogues on Civilizations)
Cristina Sala (Reset-Dialogues on Civilizations)



NO GRANT REQUEST (Deadline October 5th, 2016)
In order to register to the conference, participants are requested to
send an e-mail to chiara.galbersan...@resetdoc.org by October 5th


WITH GRANT REQUEST (Deadline September  21st, 2016)
The conveners will provide small grants (depending on the place of
residence) to ease the participation of MA students, PhD students,
post-doctoral fellows and junior faculty. Interested people are
pleased to send their application by September 21st to

The application should include:
- a curriculum vitae in English;
- a motivation letter in English;
- one reference letter in English.

Applicants are noticed on the result of the evaluation committee by
the 26th of September 2016.

Granted participants are required to attend all the program 12-13-14
October. The grant will be delivered on Friday the 14th of October,
in cash. 

Certificate of Attendance:
Registered applicants who attend the whole three-days Conference will
receive a Certificate of Attendance.

If you wish to attend single sessions, you may register at the
conference hall entrance.

Please write to chiara.galbersan...@resetdoc.org for any question you
may have.


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