
Call for Publications

Theme: Loanwords to Live With
Subtitle: An Ecotopian Lexicon Against the Anthropocene
Publication: Edited Book
Deadline: 15.11.2016


Edited Book by Brent Ryan Bellamy, Chantal Bilodeau and Matthew

With the recent Paris agreement, an emerging global climate justice
movement, and the vast transformations of climate change becoming
more and more evident, it is clear that the world has entered an
unprecedented period of intentional social and ecological transition.
Whether this transition is framed and enacted as a simple replacement
of fossil-fuel extraction with centralized renewable energy sources,
or one that recalibrates human thought, infrastructure, and action to
a greater awareness of our embeddedness in natural and
more-than-human worlds remains to be seen. It depends, in some
measure, on how thoughtful and creative human beings find meaningful
ways to intervene in business as usual and guide it in more or less
productive directions. One way to do so is through language itself:
as linguists and scholars of literature have long understood,
language not only reflects but shapes reality. Whereas a number of
important recent works in the environmental humanities have reflected
on the limitations of our existing ecological lexicon and the
meanings of major keywords, we might  ask whether we need not just
new meanings for old words but rather a new vocabulary for a new era. 

Towards this end, the collection Loanwords to Live With: An Ecotopian
Lexicon Against the Anthropocene seeks to assemble a disparate
lexicon that describes not what exists in fossil-fueled capitalism
but what should be: ecological terms and phrases that intimate and
inspire better ways of life. This is not the sterile and impossible
‘good Anthropocene’ of ecomodernism but one that acknowledges and
celebrates the mutual entanglements of this and every other era; is
attentive to the joined psychological and emotional health of humans,
other animals, and ecosystems; and values vibrant, inclusive, and
egalitarian communities and political systems. Each short entry (2000
to 2500 words, excluding notes) will be based on a word or phrase
from a non-English language; a fantastic term from speculative or
science fiction; or a neologism emerging from activist subcultures.
Entries will first introduce the term in its original context, then
identify the ecological (or eco-political, eco-social, or
eco-psychological) problem and linguistic lacunae that it addresses,
and finally describe how it might be applied in common usage in

As both a critical endeavor with scholarly rigor and a creative
project, Loanwords follows in the footsteps of “ecotopian” authors
such as Ursula K. Le Guin, Marge Piercy, Octavia Butler, Kim Stanley
Robinson and Paolo Bacigalupi. While it will prove a useful and
provocative book for courses in environmental studies and
environmental humanities, this project seeks a broader readership,
and therefore aims for clear, concise and accessible writing.
Original artwork will accompany a number of the entries, and will
circulate and supplement the book as posters, T-shirts, and stickers. 

Potential subjects:

- Empath, from Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Sower
- Heyiyah, from Ursula Le Guin’s Always Coming Home
- Shikata ga nai, from Kim Stanley Robinson’s Mars trilogy
- Forest bath (森林浴), from the Japanese
- Pachamama and other earth goddesses or gods
- Buen vivir, from South American social movements
- Horizontalism, from various recent social movements 

Please submit abstracts (of approximately 250-300 words) to Brent
Ryan Bellamy, Chantal Bilodeau and Matthew Schneider-Mayerson by
November 15. These should include a suggested loanword or phrase, a
brief account of the term, and the lacunae it would fill in the
English language. Please also send a current CV. Authors will be
notified shortly thereafter, and full submissions will be due on
March 15.

Please send submissions and questions to bbell...@ualberta.ca and
schneider-mayer...@yale-nus.edu.sg, with “Loanwords to Live With” in
the subject line.


Prof. Matthew Schneider-Mayerson
Yale-NUS College
16 College Avenue West
Singapore 138527
Email: schneider-mayer...@yale-nus.edu.sg


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