
Call for Publications

Theme: Comparative Ancient Chinese and Ancient Greek Philosophy
Publication: Australasian Philosophical Review (APR)
Date: Vol. 1, Issue 3 (2017)
Deadline: 15.10.2016


The APR is seeking proposals for commentaries on Professor G.E.R.
Lloyd’s article, “The Fortunes of Analogy”.

Abstracts should be brief (100-500 words), stating clearly the
aspects of the target article that will be discussed, together with
an indication of the line that will be taken. More details are
available at the APR website:

Those who are interested should register as commentators to view
Professor Lloyd’s paper and the invited commentaries.

Abstract submissions for Volume 1, Issue 3 should be sent to
a...@aap.org.au by 15 October 2016.

Invitations to write commentaries of 2000-3000 words will be issued
on 31st October 2016. Full-length commentaries will be due on 15th
January 2017.

Committee: Karyn Lai, Loy Hui Chieh, Michaelis Michael


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