
Call for Papers

Theme: Philosophy, Information Technologies and Changes of the
African Life Worlds
Type: International Conference
Institution: Council for Research in Values and Philosophy (RVP)
   Makerere University
Location: Kampala (Uganda)
Date: 1.–2.7.2017
Deadline: 20.4.2017


The increase of information communication technologies is steadily
making inroads into the slow changing of traditional African
lifestyles. The pace of such technological invasion is unprecedented
and rapidly increasing. Local communities are finding themselves
playing a catch-up game in an ever changing landscape of technology.
The problematic, as we conceptualize it, is that where as the African
sub Continent is receiving and absorbing values purveyed in different
media channels, she is contributing little or nothing by way of
adding to values consumed. The Africans are net absorbers of values
created and packaged from afar. Whether we are absorbing Hollywood
films or soccer matches from European leagues or even literary
sources and researches, the pattern is the same; the Africans are
receiving and savoring values of others and not portraying African
values in return.

- What challenges do we encounter when communities with high levels
  of illiteracy (and poverty) are subjected to relentless value
  bombardment from the developed West?

- How is this one-sided flow of values going to affect sub Saharan
  value development?   

- What strategies can sub Saharan states deploy to reverse the trend?

- Does it make sense (in a globalised world) to care what values
  different communities contribute or consume?

- Is it sufficient to take whatever values we encounter and do the
  best we can with them?

- Are there internal weaknesses which predispose third world
  communities to relentless value bombardment without adequate means
  to fight back?

These and similar questions are the ones which we think international
philosophers can reflect on and see which way Africa and similarly
placed underdeveloped societies can fair in the brave new world.


Please send 300 words and a brief CV to Professsor Edward Wamala
[wamal...@chuss.mak.ac.ug], and [cua-...@cua.edu] by April 20, 2017.
Full papers sent by June 30, 2017 will be considered to be published
by the RVP in its publication series "Cultural Heritage and
Contemporary Change".


Professor Edward Wamala
Email: wamal...@chuss.mak.ac.ug
Web: http://www.crvp.org/conferences/2017/Kampala.html


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