
Call for Papers

Theme: Space and Sovereignty in South Asia
Type: 6th Annual Princeton South Asia Conference
Institution: Program in South Asian Studies, Princeton University
Location: Princeton, NJ (USA)
Date: 21.–22.4.2017
Deadline: 5.1.2017


The urgency of a global refugee crisis, ever increasing rates of
migration, transnational efforts towards development projects, and
the flow of informational, intellectual, and financial capital all
raise questions of power and governance as exercised within and
across state boundaries. Within the scholarship on South Asia, this
has generated an array of questions – from those about political
belonging and self-determination, to critiques of urban development
and “good” governance; from discussions about mobilities of people,
commodities, and ideas, to literary, technological, and artistic
productions that engage with territoriality. Using these themes as a
starting point, our conference explores relationships between space
and sovereignty.

We encourage participants to explore how sources of authority are
contested, negotiated, and reimagined across different spaces. In
doing so we welcome approaches that look at the role of the state not
only as a rational bureaucratic mechanism, but also in terms of
effects and everyday practices.

The sixth annual Princeton South Asia Conference will bring together
early career scholars (advanced graduate students and junior faculty)
across disciplines that engage with South Asia. In keeping with the
theme of the conference, we invite papers that engage with South Asia
in a broad sense, including Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Tibet,
Nepal, the Maldives, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Myanmar or Burma, India,
and transnational and diasporic spaces.

Papers might address these and other themes:

- migration and diaspora
- questions of “home” and “belonging”
- international governance and organizations
- the commons
- law, state, and space
- the “borderland” and the frontier
- practices of cartography
- the ocean as non-state space
- corporations, capital, and development

Proposals should include a title, a 250-word abstract, institutional
affiliation, and contact information. Please submit proposals at
https://goo.gl/1YZ25H by January 5, 2017.

Princeton University will provide participants with accommodation for
two nights and will contribute toward travel expenses. Participants
are encouraged to seek funding from their home institutions as well.

Keynote Speaker:
Sunil Amrith, Mehra Family Professor of South Asian Studies, Harvard

The event will be held on April 21-22, 2017 in Princeton, NJ.
Questions can be directed to: princeton.sas2...@gmail.com

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