
Call for Publications

Theme: The Glocal Political Power
Publication: Glocalism. Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation
Date: No. 1, 2017 (February 2017)
Deadline: 31.12.2016


Power is freedom. Power is freedom of action (mental, verbal or
physical) of a subject (individual or collective) that springs from
the same mere existence of the subject and that may interfere or
collide with the power (freedom or existence) of another subject. The
relationship between two or more subjects is not, therefore,
necessarily a zero-sum: the possibility of conditioning is mutual and
expresses itself in forms that are not always empirically detectable
or measurable.

The political dimension of power, on the contrary, by definition
concerns the interaction of more than one subject and implies the
consideration of the effects generated by the encounter of a
plurality of actions (verbal or physical) on the actual existence of
the subjects themselves. This dialectic may manifest itself through
various organizational forms, spatially and historically determined,
that condition in general terms the phenomenology of power and may
obviously also depend on its differing ontology, according to the
analytical paradigm contemplated by the subject-interpreter.

In the past few decades, global phenomenology of political power has
changed. More and more the practical applications of scientific
discoveries, unlike what happened in the past, are no longer
immediately or exclusively used by the legally formalized political
power. They are consumed and disseminated throughout civil society –
both global and reticular – escaping from the old logic of the
legitimate power or judicial power and generating a new political
power, which could be defined as “glocal”.

Innovation is changing our daily way of life and our perception and
therefore conception of political power networks within which each of
us is engaged in an unusual, unique and unprecedented way. The
distance between State and society becomes progressively erased by an
innovation that flows from civil society, circumventing the order of
state and forcing it to follow the same innovation and ultimately
transforming itself into a new form of crystallized politics that is
always less stable and less definite. What, then, are the prospects
toward which the new political power seems to orientate itself? In
which way does the changed relationship between space and time
condition itself? What are, finally, the empirical results and
theoretical categories that give it, in different ways, shape and
substance? In order to seize the essence of a new reality, we may
perhaps require new categories.

We welcome studies in any field, with or without comparative
approach, that address both the practical effects and the theoretical

All articles should be sent to:

Articles can be in any language and of a length chosen by the author,
while the abstract and keywords must be in English.

Deadline for submissions: December 31, 2016.

This issue is scheduled to appear at end-Febbruary 2017.

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