
Call for Papers

Theme: Religion and Poverty
Type: 2017 Salzburg Conference in Interdisciplinary Poverty Research
Institution: Centre for Ethics and Poverty Research, University of
Location: Salzburg (Austria)
Date: 21.–22.9.2017
Deadline: 31.3.2017


The Centre for Ethics and Poverty Research of the University of
Salzburg organizes an annual conference since 2013. These conferences
are interdisciplinary and open to all interested researchers,
practitioners and policy makers. They aim to bring together current
research on poverty, inequality and social exclusion and to discuss
policies and other measures of poverty alleviation. All abstracts
that are submitted to be included in the conference program will be

The Keynote Speakers in 2017 will be Paul Cloke, ​Professor of Human
Geography at the University of Exeter, Adam Dinham, Professor of
Faith & Public Policy and Director of the Faiths and Civil Society
Unit, Goldsmiths, University of London, and Emma Tomalin, Professor
of Religion and Public Life at the University of Leeds, where she is
director of the Centre for Religion and Public Life.

The Organizing Committee invites submissions of proposals for single
papers and thematic panels in all areas of poverty research but
special attention will be given to those concerned with the 2017
focus theme of religion and poverty.

Possible topics for the general theme sessions are, among others,
current trends in poverty, inequality and social exclusion, poverty
trends of different groups (minorities, age, gender, disability,
unemployment), analysis of the economic, social and cultural
processes underlying poverty, the effects of poverty on health,
well-being, education, and inclusion, conceptualizations of poverty,
methodologies of poverty research, the effectiveness of poverty
alleviation measures and policy responses, and research on safety
nets and welfare.

Possible topics for the focus theme sessions are, among others, the
relation of religion and poverty and inequality in different states
and world regions, religion as a factor in development, faith-based
organisations and poverty alleviation, extent and causes of poverty
and social exclusion of religious groups and minorities, religious
perspectives on poverty, and theological responses to poverty and

The conference is open to all disciplines (development studies,
sociology, economics, anthropology, social medicine, geography,
political science, legal studies and the humanities), approaches,
methods and concepts within the field of poverty research, and papers
coming from an inter-, trans- or multidisciplinary background are
particularly welcomed. Both research papers of empirical, theoretical
or conceptual nature and policy papers are welcomed. If you have any
questions regarding your submission please contact us. All proposals
will be reviewed.

The Salzburg Conference in Interdisciplinary Poverty Research aims at
bringing together estbalished as well as young scholars and academics
from diverse backgrounds. Submissions of scholars working in the
Global South are particularly encouraged and their participation is
supported by a subsidized registration fee.

Each speaker will have 20 minutes for presentation followed by 10
minutes of discussion. We welcome submissions for individual papers
as well as for panels (consisting of three or four papers).

Please submit abstracts for single papers and panels via the
submission form: http://www.poverty-conference.org/submission.html

In case that you encounter difficulties using this form, please
contact the organizers via e-mail.

The deadline for submitting abstracts for single papers and panels is
31 March 2017. Decisions will be communicated until 30 April 2017.

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