
Call for Papers

Theme: Continuities and Ruptures
Subtitle: Reflections on Crucial Concepts
Type: 6th Berlin Program Summer Workshop
Institution: Program for Advanced German and European Studies,
Free University of Berlin
Location: Berlin (Germany)
Date: 28.–30.6.2017
Deadline: 15.2.2017


Contention over moments of ‘continuity’ and ‘rupture’ have
fundamentally shaped scholarly debates not only in German Studies but
also in a range of other national historiographies and fields of
inquiry. Establishing narratives of developments have made these
concepts indispensable to scholarly analysis. In history, for
example, both terms have proven essential given the need for
periodization. At the same time, they have also often proved
problematic in capturing both complex interactions of ‘strands’ of
continuity and rupture and processes of more evolutionary change.
This workshop seeks to advance critical reflection on these concepts,
their usefulness and potential limits as narrative devices in a broad
array of disciplines that intersect with German Studies, including
Anthropology, Art History, Film Studies, Gender Studies, History,
Philosophy, Political Science, and Sociology. Examples of suitable
topics include, but are by no means limited to work that reflect on:

- Questions of periodization
- Themes of continuity and rupture in literature and literary
- Questions of continuity and rupture of pre- and post-war histories
  with the period of the Third Reich
- Use of continuity and rupture as narrative devices/nuanced uses of
  the term
- Continuity and rupture in political and social movements, both
  within Germany and comparatively
- Continuity and rupture in the structuring of national and
  international institutions

The event serves as a forum for Berlin Program fellows and alumni,
but invites participation of all other scholars. During the workshop,
scholars will present for ten minutes on papers that participants
will have read prior to the beginning of the workshop. A substantial
period of time will be reserved at the end of the panels for
discussion of the papers.

Please submit a 250-word abstract and a two-page CV by February 15,
2017 to: bprog...@zedat.fu-berlin.de

Presenters are required to submit a 25-page paper or an existing
publication of similar length and a one-page bio for circulation to
workshop participants by (deadline). All workshop participants are
asked to read these submissions prior to the workshop. A selection of
two or three optional background readings may also be circulated.

- Feb 15: Deadline abstract (250 words) and two-page CV 
- March 15: Notification of acceptance or rejection emailed
- April 15: Circulation of our preliminary program and general
- May 31: Deadline for full-length essays (max. 25 pages) and bio
  (one page max)
- Early June: Essays distributed to workshop participants


Karin Goihl, Wissenschaftliche Koordinatorin
Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies
Freie Universität Berlin
Ehrenbergstr. 26/28
14195 Berlin
Tel: +49 30 838 56671
Fax: +49 30 838 456671
Email: bprog...@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Web: http://www.fu-berlin.de/bprogram


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