
Call for Publications

Theme: Philosophy, War and Democracy
Publication: Apeiron: Revista Filosófica dos Alunos da Universidade
do Minho
Date: No. 10 (2017)
Deadline: 28.2.2017


"Apeiron" - a portuguese journal of philosophy organized by the
students of the University of Minho invites students from all the
levels of study for contributions for papers.

The main goal of Apeiron is to give an opportunity to young
researchers to have a plataform to publish early works on several

The main target have been the portuguese students; but from now on we
will have a special place dedicated to publish papers in English.

This nr. 10 will be focused on "Philosophy, War and Democracy", and
will be having the participation of a special guest: Professor Noam
Chomsky (MIT).

Specifically, we are searching for proposals on the following topics: 

1) History and Philosophy of Democracy
2) Validity and Justification of Democracy
3) What is the War?
4) Just War Theory
5) Relationship between Democracy and War
6) Freedom and Democracy
7) Is War ever justified?
8) How to justify the use of military force to implement Democracy?
9) The Foreign Policy and the role of NATO
10) The World Wars and their role in Democracy
11) The role of Mass Propaganda in Democracy

Other issues that fall under the general discussion.

Target: Undergraduate Students, Masters Students or Ph.D. Students.

- Due: February 28, 2017.
- Notification of accepted proposals: March 30, 2017.

Submit your proposal to stevensequeir...@hotmail.com or

Note: "Apeiron" doesn't have a formal scientific committee or a
blind-review system. However, should the editor need help, he will,
informally, aks a Portuguese expert of the topic for such. 

"Apeiron" is published by CreateSpace Independent Publishing.


Steven S. Gouveia, Editor
Apeiron: Revista Filosófica dos Alunos da Universidade do Minho
Email: stevensequeir...@hotmail.com


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