
Call for Publications

Theme: African Environmental Ethics
Publication: Edited Book
Deadline: 30.6.2017



The intention of this project is to produce a book that showcases
African environmental ethics as a developing discipline of African
philosophy. The focus of the book is on African environmental ethics.
Broadly, it should address the questions around the African
conception/s of environmental ethical thinking. It is hoped that
authors will critically interpret various, and often neglected
African conceptions of reality to come up with plausible African
conceptions of environmental ethical thinking. The book is intended
to affirm that Africans have unique contributions that can help
humanity deal with the growing global environmental crisis.

In the past few years, there has been a considerable body of
literature that has been written on African metaphysical and ethical
thinking in general. In some of these works, allusion is made to the
centrality of African ethics as the basis for comprehending various
applied ethical scenarios such as those in the contexts of business,
the environment, the bio-medical area and the legal fraternity among
others, However, not much has been written on African environmental
ethical perspectives on the moral status of nature. The proposed book
is intended to augment the currently limited, but growing literature
in the field of African environmental philosophy and ethics. 


Themes for the proposed book should include, but not necessarily
limited to addressing the following questions:

- What is the African understanding of nature?
- How can African conceptions of ethics on moral status of nature,
  be broadly conceptualised?
- What are the boundaries of the African moral world?
- What ought to be the relationship between human beings and nature?
- Should human beings have moral obligations towards aspects of
  nature, such as animate beings and even non-animate beings such as
  the components of the physical environment?
- Communitarian thinking and Environmental Ethics
- Is there a place for animal rights in African ethics?
- Does nature have interests that are independent to those of human
- How could the ideas such Being, telos, well-being, welfare etc be
  understood within the context of African environmental ethical
- To what extent can African ethics meaningfully inform current
  environmental issues like global warming and climate change?
- What do African Conceptions of Environmental Justice look like?

Interested contributors are encouraged to submit their chapter
proposals to the editor of this book, Dr Munamato Chemhuru
(Post-doctoral Research Fellow in Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities,
University of Johannesburg): munamatochemh...@gmail.com

Important Dates

1. The deadline for submission of abstracts of not more that 300
   words in length is 30 June 2017.
2. Contributors whose abstracts will be accepted should be prepared
   to attend and present their work during a two-day workshop on the
   book project on 28 and 29 September 2017 at the University of
3. Adjusted manuscripts (after the workshop) of not more than 8000
   words in length (including reference material and footnotes) should
   be submitted to the editor for peer reviewing by 30 November 2017.
4. Articles must be in word, and double-spaced with Times New Roman,
   font size 12.

Proposed Publisher

Negotiations are underway to have this proposed book published by a
reputable American publisher.  


Dr Munamato Chemhuru
Post-doctoral Research Fellow in Philosophy
Faculty of Humanities
University of Johannesburg
Lecturer in Philosophy
Simon Muzenda School of Arts, Culture and Heritage Studies
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
Great Zimbabwe University
Box 1235
Cell: +263 773 900812
      +27 81 4877804
Email: munamatochemh...@gmail.com


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