
Conference Announcement

Theme: Care of the Self in Global Era
Type: International Colloquium
Institution: Institute of Philosophy and Institute of Political
Sciences, Prešov University
Location: Prešov (Slovakia)
Date: 26.–27.6.2017


In modern thought, the rediscovered topic of the care of the self
embraces a wide range of phenomena like identity formation,
disciplinary techniques vs. practices of the self, question of
individual life style, etc. An inquiry into the questions of care of
the self from a perspective of philosophical anthropology and ethics
proceeds from a general diagnosis of a state of crisis in
contemporary culture (e.g. crisis of the individual concern for
himself in contradiction with society’s demands).

The aim of the workshop is to draw connections between the issues
thematised by the participants of the project and to expose
philosophical problems to present global challenges. The workshop
will address the following themes:

- The social preconditions of the care of the self under contemporary
  conditions of globalization
- Individual preconditions of the care of the self in a Global/Modern
- Philosophical-therapeutical diagnoses and prescriptions.
- Care of the self in the history of philosophy and its concrete
  practices in various epochs and cultures
- Care of the self as a model of new ethics


Monday, June 26

Invitation by Dean of the Faculty of Arts – Vasil Gluchmann
Introduction by Organisers – Vladislav Suvák, Ľubomír Dunaj

Hans-Herbert Kögler (Jacksonville/Klagenfurt):
Reflexivity and Globalization. Conditions and Capabilities for a
Dialogical Cosmopolitanism

Vasil Gluchmann (Prešov):
Matrtha Nussbaum's Therapy of Emotions

Lunch Break

Fabian Heubel (Taipei/Frankfurt am Main):
Foucault on Philosophical Life and Askesis. A Transcultural

Vladislav Suvák (Prešov):
Patočka vs. Foucault: Care of the Soul vs. Care of the Self

Public Discussion in Čukoláda (NOUS - Club of Philosophy)
Hans-Herbert Kögler – Fabian Heubel – Ivana Komanická:
The Role of Critical Theory in Global Era

Tuesday, June 27

Richard St'ahel (Nitra):
Self-limitation as a Basis for Environmentally Sustainable Care of
the Self

Juliana Sokolova (Košice):
Inner courtyards admitting of rain: residential architecture and the
good life. Housing and the care of self and others

Coffee Break

Gordon C.F. Bearn (Bethlehem, PA):
Caring for Lines of Flight: Foucault and Deleuze

Miloš Kriššák (Prague):
Archeological foundations in Foucault's ethics

Lunch Break

Roman Madzia (Erfurt):
Care of the Self: The Dynamics of the Mind between Social Conflicts
and the Dialogicality of the Self

Kurt C. Mertel (Kingston):
Heidegger's Ontology of Care as a Critique of the Reification of
Self, Other, and The World

Coffee Break

Ľubomír Dunaj (Prešov):
The inner conflict of modernity and the moderateness of Critical
Theory and Confucianism

Anna Polačková (Prešov) / Vladislav Dudinský (Prešov):
The Deficits of Critical Thinking


Dean's Room
Faculty of Arts
University of Prešov
17. november 1
SK-080 01 Presov


Vladislav Suvák
Email: vladislav.su...@gmail.com

Ľubomír Dunaj
Email: lubomir.du...@unipo.sk

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