
Call for Papers

Theme: Translating Across Boundaries
Type: Critical Juncture Conference 2019
Institution: Emory University
Location: Atlanta, GA (USA)
Date: 5.–6.2019
Deadline: 19.12.2018


Emory's Critical Juncture conference is now accepting paper proposals
for our sixth annual conference, happening at Emory University in
Atlanta, GA on April 5-6, 2019. Critical Juncture is an
interdisciplinary, graduate student-run conference that convenes each
year to explore the cross-cutting intersections of race, gender, and

Critical Juncture 2019: Translating Across Boundaries will be a space
to struggle with the question:how do we communicate with people
different than us? Differences are constructed barriers which prevent
access to information and the validation of different ways of
knowing. We are particularly interested in the ways in which
individuals working in specific disciplines or from specific
positions of knowledge engage with other intersectional communities
and/or convey their insights to those beyond their tribe. These
differences can include, but are not limited to:

- Between intellectual camps and across disciplinary boundaries
- Within and without the academy
- Questions of translation (broadly defined)
- Language production itself (including biologically,
  psycholinguistically, or socially)

As these topics are by no means mutually exclusive, we also welcome
contributors who overlap issues. We also welcome contributions which
bring these issues into conversation with disability, race, gender,
sexuality, social class, ageism, geographic determinism, etc.

This year's Critical Juncture keynote speaker will be Dr. Teresa
Blankmeyer Burke of Gallaudet University.

We encourage a diverse assemblage of participants — ranging from
academic scholars of all disciplines, to artists, activists and
non-profit professionals — to share how they communicate their work
and ideas with others from different communities, disciplines, or
spaces of situated knowledge. Such presentations may include
scholars’ work in the translational sciences, humanities or media
studies scholars bridging academia and public writing or media (or
bridging different branches of disciplinary knowledge), clinicians
bringing theoretical concepts into their everyday practice, or
science activists who seek to work in closer concert with
marginalized communities.

Interested individuals may submit either content or process papers:

Content papers: Discussions focusing on research findings,
theoretical arguments, clinical best practices, and mechanistic
accounts of communication across boundaries. Please submit a 150-word
abstract and include “CONTENT PAPER” in the email header.

Process papers: Discussions focusing on one’s experience of doing
translational work in a situated context. These can be personal
reflections, advice from the field, or meta-analyses, to name a few.
Please submit a 250-word reflection on the translational process you
intend to discuss and include “PROCESS PAPER” in the email header.

Deadline: December 19, 2018

Further questions and proposed abstracts may be emailed to:

Conference website:


InterPhil List Administration:

InterPhil List Archive:



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