
Call for Papers

Theme: Migrant States of Exception
Type: Interdisciplinary Symposium
Institution: Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Location: Wuppertal (Germany)
Date: 14.–16.11.2019
Deadline: 30.3.2019


Migrant states of exception proliferate and intensify across the
world. While processes of globalization have fostered movement and
enhanced connectivity on a hitherto unprecedented scale, they have
also brought the highly uneven distribution of elected and enforced
mobility to the fore. Such physical and virtual forms of mobility are
at the center of processes of de- and re-territorialization and
engender complex re-workings of cultural, social, economic, and
political spaces that do not align with the traditional borders of
nation-states. Even though the Westphalian world order has by no
means been replaced, the sovereignty of nation-states has become
increasingly traversed by processes and forces that cannot be (fully)
controlled by state governments – for example the new
"territorialit[ies]" that are produced by "global capitalism" and
non-governmental organizations (Ong). At the same time, sovereignty,
too, has become more diffuse and dispersed – often exerting influence
far beyond the confines of its supposed territorial limits – causing
states to engage in more and more intricate and diversified
"sovereignty games" (Parker & Adler Nissen).

Even though national boundaries have traditionally been sites where
the territoriality of law has been foregrounded, the
multidimensionality and diversification of national borders (cf.
Parker and Adler-Nissen), their "diffusion and stratification"
through "processes of border externalisation and
internalization" (Brambilla; cf. also Fassin) show that, along with
sovereignty, "border practices" have long moved beyond the actual
"line." Therefore, Agambian forms of “inclusive exclusion,” "bare
life," and “states of exception,” have also been dispersed. At the
same time, migrants have developed multiple "tactics" (de Certeau) to
navigate and shape spaces of sovereignty in manifold ways.

The symposium seeks to explore articulations of migrant states of
exception in the triad of borders, migration, and sovereignty. We are
particularly interested in the multiple, complex and varied ways in
which migrants negotiate borders, boundaries, and sovereignty. These
negotiations are gendered and racialized, material and embodied as
well as imagined. Our symposium aims to open up a space for
interdisciplinary dialogues that involve disciplines such as
literary, cultural, and media studies, anthropology and human
geography, as well as legal, sociological, political, historical, and
philosophical perspectives on migrant states of exception.

Topics may include but are not limited to:

- the political, legal, and economic dimensions of processes of
  deterritorialization and reterritorialization, the states of
  exception created through them, and their implications and
- the diffusion, diversification, and stratification of borders and
  their effects
- "sovereignty games" and border practices, including systems of
  deportation and detention
- the "geopolitics of mobility" and "geographies of exception"
- migrant tactics to negotiate borders, sovereignty, and states of
- philosophical approaches to states of exception and sovereignty
- attempts to reconceptualize the territoriality of law
- border imaginaries as offered in different literary genres and
  media that address migrant states of exception and/or offer new ways
  of imagining community and belonging
- the sonic and/or visual dimensions of borderscapes, migration, and
  states of exception
- metaphors of (im)mobility and migration such as borders, fences,
  butterflies, …
- visual and/or literary representations of migration/the negotiating
  of borders
- specific/local articulations of migrant spaces of exception
- (local) initiatives to give expression to migrant states of
  exception and to create sites of communication, negotiation, and

Confirmed Keynote Speakers:

Chiara Brambilla, Research Fellow in Anthropology and Geography,
University of Bergamo and Adjunct Professor of Cultural Anthropology,
University of Milano

Alicia Schmidt Camacho, Professor of American Studies and Ethnicity,
Race, and Migration, Yale University

Thomas Spijkerboer, Professor of Migration Law, Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam and Raoul Wallenberg Visiting Professor of Human Rights &
Humanitarian Law, Lund University


Please send abstracts of 300 to 400 words for ca. 20-minute papers in
English and a short, bullet point bio-bibliographical note of ca. 100
words to Birgit Spengler (bspeng...@uni-wuppertal.de), Sylvia
Mieszkowski (sylvia.mieszkow...@univie.ac.at), and Mekonnen
Tesfahuney (mekonnen.tesfahu...@kau.se) by March 30, 2019.

There will be a conference fee of 50 Euros/30 Euros for PhD students.

Conference Team

Prof. Dr. Birgit Spengler (Bergische Universität Wuppertal)
Prof. Dr. Sylvia Mieszkowski (University of Vienna)
Prof. Dr. Mekonnen Tesfahuney (Karlstad University)
Lea Espinoza Garrido (Bergische Universität Wuppertal)
Dr. Bettina Hofmann (Bergische Universität Wuppertal)
Julia Wewior (Bergische Universität Wuppertal)


Birgit Spengler
English and American Studies
University of Wuppertal
Gaußstr. 20
42119 Wuppertal
Email: bspeng...@uni-wuppertal.de
Web: https://migrantstatesofexception.wordpress.com


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