
Call for Papers

Theme: 65 Years after Bandung
Subtitle: What Rupture and What Continuity in Global Order?
Type: International and Multidisciplinary Conference 'The Rise of
Asia in Global History and Perspective'
Institution: Bandung Spirit
   Groupe de recherche identité et cultures, Université Le Havre
Location: Paris and Le Havre (France)
Date: 12.–14.2.2020
Deadline: 31.8.2019


65 years after the historical 1955 Bandung Conference, is there any
change in global order in all its dimensions (cultural, ecological,
economical, political and spiritual dimensions)? In what sense
Bandung constitutes a rupture and a continuity of historical global
order? Is colonialism dead and decolonisation completed? Is the
position of centre and peripheries of capitalism stable or moving?
Does development means following the centre? Did multipolarism
replace bipolarism? Does Bandung constitute a bifurcation in the
trajectory of historical world system? Is the notion of division
East-West and North-South still relevant? Is the notion of class
struggle still useful? Does the end of Cold War mean the end of
potential World War? Did new hegemons replace the old ones? Why does
the armament technology continue to develop? Who do take benefit of
the armament industries and trade? What is the place of individual
living being, human as well as animal and vegetation, in this
changing world? Is there any chance for the poor, the weak, the
disadvantaged, to improve their state of being in peaceful way? Is
there any role of humanities, art, culture, architecture, literature,
religion, spirituality in directing the global change?

It is to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the Bandung Conference
that questions related to global order in all its dimensions are
chosen to be the main subject of presentation and discussion of the
fourth edition of The Rise of Asia Conference Series. It encourages
the participation of scholars from a wide range of scientific
disciplines (area studies, cultural studies, ecology, economics,
geography, history, humanities, languages, management, political and
social sciences…) and practitioners from diverse professional fields
(business, civil society, education, enterprise, government,
management, parliament, public policy, social and solidarity
movements…), based in diverse geographical areas (Africa, North and
South America, Australia, Asia, Europe, Pacific…).

The conference is open to individual and group paper presentations.
Those willing to present their papers are invited to submit their
abstracts before August 31, 2019. The selected abstracts will be
communicated to their authors in October 2019.

The abstract with basic personal data and the full paper are to be
sent by e-mail to the following e-mail address:

For more details see at:


Darwis Khudori
Faculty of International Affairs
Université Le Havre Normandie
Email: darwis.khud...@univ-lehavre.fr
Web: http://www.bandungspirit.org


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