
Call for Papers

Theme: Migration, Rights and Democracy
Subtitle: Conceptual Reappraisals
Type: International Workshop
Institution: Università del Piemonte Orientale
Location: Vercelli (Italy)
Date: 19.–20.3.2020
Deadline: 15.1.2020


The Workshop “Migration, Rights and Democracy: Conceptual
Reappraisals” is the second of a series of three workshops to be
organized by Working Group 3: Concepts of COST Action CA 16211
Reappraising Intellectual Debates on Civic Rights and Democracy in
Europe (RECAST). This workshop focuses on the concepts and the
theoretical frames at work when issues revolving around migration in
Europe are concerned.

Our departure point is that not only is migration a key issue in
European politics but also that discussions about it have
implications for re-conceptualizing rights and democracy. The
analysis of this topic is of the utmost importance and urgency in
Europe, calling for the participation not only of academics, but also
policy-makers, as well as political and civil society actors (NGOs,
activists). This is clearly shown by the recent refugee crisis and
the ethico-political impacts it had in several European Union
countries. It spawned not only a self-reflection on Europe as either
upholding human rights and hospitality or becoming a closed
“fortress”, but also a political polarization, fueling in some
countries rightwing, exclusionary populism. Indeed, those recent
developments have shown how international obligations of states to
respect the rights of migrants and refugees have become increasingly
contested and challenged in domestic as well as European level

While migration, democracy and rights are all political and contested
concepts, with different histories, meanings and usages, we are
particularly interested in examining the political, legal,
institutional layouts and relations of these concepts and the
understandings they can imply. The workshop invites conceptual
investigations and theoretical (and or practical) explorations on the
question. Migration is considered as a locus for conceptual debates
and unraveling the tensions between claims, norms, policies and
practices related to democracy and rights.

Thus we propose a critical reflection on the concepts that are used
when migration, democracy and rights are studied or discussed (by
scholars, politicians or other social actors) as well as on the
historical transformations of these debates – assessing the way we
think of migration and aiming to determine whether we are still using
today the same conceptual tools and theories as we did in the past,
or if significant conceptual and theoretical changes have happened in
the last decades.

Against this backdrop the Working Group 3: Concepts sets out to
analyze the topic of migration, in its connection with rights and
democracy. We invite contributions from different disciplines,
including political, philosophical, historical, legal, sociological
and public policy perspectives. The submissions should focus on the
European framework, and they might explore (but are not limited to)
the following topics:

- The concepts and implications of borders and boundaries, including
  their history, political framing (from the standpoint of “ideal” or
  “non-ideal” theory) and the possibility to challenge them in the
  context of theories of (global, cosmopolitan or transnational)
  justice in a “Post- Westphalian” framework

- The concept of hospitality in its several (ethical, legal or
  political) dimensions

- Concepts related to the European Union asylum policy and politics;
  the role of the Council of Europe in protecting and debating the
  rights of migrants and refugees

- The concept of human rights in the locus of migration

- Migration and populism

- Citizenship, political agency and participation of migrants

Please submit a paper proposal of ca. 300 words with a brief CV (up
to 150 words) and contact details (name, position, affiliation,
e-mail address) no later than 15 January 2020 to:



This event is jointly organized by COST Action CA 16211 Reappraising
Intellectual Debates on Civic Rights and Democracy in Europe
(RECAST), the Department of Humanities and the Centro
Interdipartamentale di Diritto e Storia Costituzionale, Università
del Piemonte Orientale, and the Centro Interateneo di Studi per la


Gonçalo Marcelo, CECH, University of Coimbra & Católica Porto
Business School, Leader of Working Group 3: Concepts

Hanna-Mari Kivistö, University of Jyväskylä, Vice-Leader of Working
Group 3: Concepts Gabriella Silvestrini, Università del Piemonte

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