
Call for Papers

Theme: Afterlives of the Universal
Subtitle: Rethinking Law's Human
Type: International Symposium
Institution: Kent Law School, University of Kent
   Department of Law, Jurisprudence and Social Thought, Amherst
Location: Amherst, MA (USA)
Date: 5.–6.3.2020
Deadline: 15.1.2020


"Afterlives of the Universal" interrogates the notions of universal
humanity that have been central to modern legal doctrine, practice,
and claims to legitimacy. With a focus on racial inequality and
biopolitical, political theological and decolonial perspectives, this
two-day event will consider the contemporary situation of legal
universalist conceptions of the human and the practical and
theoretical challenges those conceptions face today.

Confirmed participants:

Brenna Bhandar (SOAS, UK)
Davide Tarizzo (Salerno, Italy)
Patricia J. Williams (Columbia Law, USA)

The Universalist conceptions of humanity that were forged in the
Enlightenment revolutionised thinking about human life, its ethics,
and its political organisation. Inscribed into the modern
declarations that shaped the post-Enlightenment political project,
these conceptions paved the way for the 1948 Universal Declaration of
Human Rights. Universalisms remain central to modernity’s legal
discourse and are indispensable to law’s claim to legitimately and
authoritatively engender normative understandings of the human and
human life.

Yet what was once seen as the cornerstone of democracy, human rights,
egalitarianism, and social justice, today is in serious peril.
Universalisms of all kinds are denounced as culturally specific,
utopian, reproductive of inequality and exclusivity, and impossible
to realise in practice. At the same time, humanity as a general
category has been tied to Eurocentric and colonial processes of
domination, ordering and hierarchization, in which law and legal
authority have been central mechanisms. Beyond these well-established
critical discourses, the juridical categories of the universal,
universality and universalism are also confronted by new challenges.
Critical revisions to the figure of “the human” posed by current
scientific, biomedical, economic and technological innovations
seriously undermine law’s accounts of a ‘universal human’. Does law’s
modern, post-Enlightenment configuration remain appropriate for the
new figures of humanity that are currently being imagined? Despite
these criticisms, universalisms and evocations of universal humanity
enjoy a healthy “afterlife” within and outside the field of law.
Universal humanity is strategically invoked in anti-racist political
argument. Recent attempts to develop a new post-capitalist
emancipatory politics in the continental leftist political tradition
have offered new readings of Western Universalist and various
theological discourses. In the legal field, from the assertion of
human rights to reasonable personhood, responsibility and judgment,
overt or latent universal conceptions of humanity persist in legal
doctrine, practice and claims to legitimacy.

Should we say therefore that today universalism is a “dead concept
walking”? How can we reckon critically with the complex legacy of
legal universalist thought in the contemporary period of scientific
and social change?

Questions the Afterlives of the Universal symposium is interested in
exploring include: 

- In what plural ways do legal thinking and practice work with
  conceptions of the human today, and to what extent do these draw
  upon, deploy, modify or conflict with universalist thought?
- Is universalism realizable in law and practice, or does it always
  conceal and reproduce inequality?
- Can law respond to the challenges of post- and anti- universal
  conceptions of human life? Would this compromise its specific claim
  to legitimacy, or can an alternative juridical or political
  grounding be found?
- Does contemporary transnational legal globalism entail a de facto
- How do recent critical revisions of the figure of “the human”
  interact with the complicated political, ethical and legal
  “afterlives” of the universal?
- Can or do universalisms still form part of a discourse of critique
  and resistance?
- Do post- and trans-humanisms lead away from the notion of
  “universal humanity”, or entrench it?
- Through what practical techniques have universal conceptions of the
  human been made and managed?

The organizers welcome paper proposals on any topic related to the
question of universal conceptions of humanity in connection with law.

- Proposals to the organizers by 15 January 2020
- Some (limited) financial support is available to a graduate student
- More information: lawandthehu...@kent.ac.uk


Maria Drakopoulou (Kent Law School, UK)
Connal Parsley (Kent Law School, UK)
Adam Sitze (Amherst College, USA)

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