
Call for Applications

Theme: Practicing Place
Subtitle: Sociocultural Practices and Epistemic Configurations
Type: Doctoral and Postdoctoral Positions
Institution: Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU)
Location: Eichstätt (Germany)
Date: from April 2021
Deadline: 10.12.2020


The newly approved DFG-funded research training group “Practicing
Place: Sociocultural Practices and Epistemic Configurations“

invites applications for

10 part-time positions (75%) as research associate (doctoral
candidate) (Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/-in (m/w/d)) to be filled
by April 1, 2021, for a limited period of 3 years


1 full-time position (100%) as research associate (postdoc)
(Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/-in (m/w/d)) to be filled by April
1, 2021, initially for a period of 3 years.

The place of work shall be Eichstätt. Provided that the requirements
are met, remuneration in the private-law employment relationship will
be according to the pay grade E 13 TV-L.

The proposed research training group aims at a critical reflection of
the concepts of ‚place’ and ‘placing’ from a decidedly
interdisciplinary perspective. Place and processes of (re-)placing
have become central to a discussion of complex global interrelations,
precisely at a time of growing transnational interdependencies and
seemingly borderless communication networks. According to our guiding
research idea, we suggest to think of place dynamically, as
practicing place. Hence, we will consider specific practices of
placing and their concomitant epistemic configurations (such as
comprehending, mapping, locating, imagining, writing, experiencing,
and redefining places) as well as the situatedness and specific
locality of any practice. The call for applications is generally open
to all disciplines that can make a substantial contribution to the
overarching interdisciplinary questions of the research training

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