
Call for Publications

Theme: Honorary Whiteness
Subtitle: Delusions of Racial Hierarchy
Publication: Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy,
Culture and Religions
Date: Vol. 11, No. 2 (2022)
Deadline: 30.4.2021


The presumption of racial differences among human species is socially
constructed to meet the aspirations of race realists. Under this
category of social construction is a variety of nuances, which makes
race relations/conflicts more complex. A sub-class of this variety is
honorary whiteness, which is a blend of interracial and intraracial
issues. Honorary whiteness is the pursuit of European identities
through mastery of foreign languages, religions, cultures, etc.,
based on the false premise of European superiority; it dissects the
urge of high-melanated individuals’ desire to identify with
low-melanated peoples, while belonging to high melanated
group/communities. It promotes class structure through the emphasis
on racial disparities. The identification with low-melanated groups
spans through different aspects of human interactions and comes to us
in both subtle and brutal forms that may sometimes be hard to detect.
It is expected that scholars who desire to write on this broad, but
specialised theme consider honorary whiteness in scholarship,
entertainment industry, politics, religion, economics, and so on. The
overriding objective is to know how honorific whiteness operates, the
implications for victims/perpetrators and bring people to an
appreciation of various identities by proffering innovative solutions
to the crises of racial identities while unpacking the hoax of one
superior colour over another. To this end, this special issue
interrogates affiliations of people and the benefits/conflicts such
affiliations bring to oppressed groups. Sub-themes to be considered
include but not limited to:

- The concept of race/racialism
- The colours of difference
- Colour politics
- Colour branding
- Identity formation in racial classification
- Does skin colour confer essence on an individual?
- Differences in melanin formation
- Illusions (cognitive, physical, physiological) in racial discourse
- How race perpetuates class
- Honorary whiteness in economics
- Honorary whiteness in the entertainment industry
- Issues in language and race
- Bridging racial divide

Important Information

Interested authors are invited to submit a short abstract (200 words
max), by April 30, 2021.

Full manuscripts (6000 words max) should be submitted in two files:
one should be complete with the author’s details, while the other
should be anonymised for double-blind review. All articles to be
considered for review must be submitted not later than October 31,

Manuscripts should also conform to the journal’s house style, that
is, The CSP Style Guide downloadable here:

Authors should indicate that their submissions are for the August
2022 Special Issue. All submissions for this issue are to be mailed
as word attachments to: filosofiatheoret...@unical.edu.ng

Mode of Delivery: Filosofia Theoretica strictly encourages innovative
problem-solving ideas delivered in a conversational style. Authors
should aim to introduce new ideas and concepts that speak to African

Guest Editor:
Dr Isaiah Negedu
University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa and the Federal University
of Lafia, Nigeria
Email: nege...@ukzn.ac.za

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