
Call for Publications

Theme: Postcoloniality, Religion and Nation
Publication: Postcolonial Interventions
Date: Vol. VIII, Issue I (January 2023)
Deadline: 30.9.2022


From Postcolonial Interventions <postcolonialinterventi...@gmail.com>

We are happy to inform you that the latest issue of Postcolonial
Interventions has been published:

The focal area for the January 2023 issue of Postcolonial
Interventions will be the intersections between religion, nation and
postcoloniality. Historically, colonial regimes often worked in
alliance with Christian missionaries leading to assaults on
indigenous cultures, religions, languages and so on. Postcolonial
resistance therefore predictably often involved revivalist religious
movements of various shades and creeds and visions of nation were
also often enshrined in religious rhetoric. Ironically or perhaps
inevitably, such movements have again gained traction across the
world, particularly in the subcontinent where belligerent religious
nationalisms and vitriolic communal machinations are generating
increasingly colonial patterns of violence, incarceration,
discrimination and exclusion. Postcolonial Interventions invites
scholarly essays dealing with such issues across a variety of media
and genres.

Submission Guidelines:

1. Articles must be original and unpublished. Submission will imply
that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere.

2. Written in Times New Roman 12, double spaced with 1′′ margin on
all sides, in doc/docx format.

3. Between 4000-7000 words, inclusive of all citations.

4. With in-text citations and a Works Cited list complying with
Chicago Manual of Style 16th ed. (author-date pattern with
parenthetical citations) specifications.

5. A separate cover page should include the author’s name,
designation, an abstract of 250 words with a maximum of 5 keywords
and a short bio-note of 50 words.

6. The main article should not in any way contain the author’s name.
Otherwise the article will not be considered.

7. Reviews also need to follow the aforementioned guidelines.
However, word limit for reviews is 1500 words.

8. The contributors are responsible for obtaining permission to
reproduce any material, including photographs and illustrations for
which they do not hold copyright.

Please send your submissions within 30 September, 2022, to:

Journal website:


InterPhil List Administration:

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