
>Look at draft-ietf-ipngwg-rfc2553bis-00.txt.  It is much
>clearer on this issue.

Just clearer about being wrong.  I think it insane to let any API
specifiy 0 as socktype that is just ill-behaved IMO.


My input to still applies.  I want to ask XNET to tell us why they want
to permit this from an IEEE perspective it seems ill-behaved as a

But my guess is we will support more and more stupid absurd garbage for
getaddrinfo() with consesus and design by committee in the IETF.  

Think about whats happening behind this basic API, getaddrinfo should
not be architected to be a middleware API.  That is plain bad
engineering and is where are headed now and I will keep my I told you so
card on this.

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