Date:        Mon, 11 Sep 2000 09:48:17 -0700
    From:        Paul Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Message-ID:  <006a01c01c10$161715c0$adfb10ac@francislaptop>

  | (Noting here that site-local addresses doesn't eliminate
  | still will have to merge sites from time to
  | time.)

In that case, NAT doesn't help either - if the address spaces are to
be merged, then there can't be any NAT between them.

If the address spaces aren't being merged, then they can be considered to
be two separate sites, each with their own site local.

Nothing is ever going to eliminate the need for renumbering (not even
very agressive NAT) - the best that can be done is to make it as
painless as possible when it is needed.

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