On Mon, 29 Apr 2024, Mahesh Jethanandani via Datatracker wrote:

From an operational perspective, the shepherd write-up brought up the question
of how this draft would be operationalized. In other words, is there an augment
of the existing YANG model planned that would update the model to add the
ability to configure multiple SAs? If not, how does a user specify their
interest in enabling this feature?

For those without yang it is obviously operationalizable. But yes
perhaps it could be added to the IPsec/IKEv2 yang module. That module
currently has errors and is also missing PQ related items (intermediate
exchange, hybrid exchange, etc etc). I think this item here is minor
compared to the other items, so perhaps a bis document for RFC9061 would
be the right place to add this. I know some people were discussing doing
a bis for this because there are also some errors in the current yang

No reference entries found for these items, which were mentioned in the text:
[TBD2] and [TBD1].

These are for the new IANA entries this document is requesting.

Reference [RFC6982] to RFC6982, which was obsoleted by RFC7942 (this may be on

This is fair, and we could update it to RFC7942 but ofcourse the entire
section including the number will be removed as part of the RFC Editing :)
Anyway, staged for the next version.

Section 1.2, paragraph 1
n initial IKEv2 exchange is used to setup an IKE SA and the initial Child SA.
The verb "set up" is spelled as two words. The noun "setup" is spelled as one.


Section 2, paragraph 1
he Exchange negotiating the Child SA (eg IKE_AUTH or CREATE_CHILD_SA). If thi
The abbreviation "e.g." (= for example) requires two periods.

Staged all occurances.

Section 4, paragraph 3
ed on the trigger TSi entry, an implementations can select the most optimal t
The plural noun "implementations" cannot be used with the article "an". Did you
mean "an implementation" or "implementations"?


Section 6, paragraph 2
he inbound SA and outbound SA independently from each other. It is likely tha
The usual collocation for "independently" is "of", not "from". Did you mean
"independently of"?


Section 6, paragraph 4
elonging to a specific resource. The notify data SHOULD NOT be an identifier
The verb "notify" does not usually follow articles like "The". Check that
"notify" is spelled correctly; using "notify" as a noun may be non-standard.

It is "the (notify) data", so that is a false positive.

Section 8, paragraph 4
the ESP flow, to a specific Q or CPU e.g ethtool ntuple configuration. The SP
The abbreviation "e.g." (= for example) requires two periods.



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