
If this is not the correct place to report such troubles, sorry and do not hesitate to redirect.

When chaining from the ipxe efi binary to freebsd efi loader, the boot freezes during the loader code execution. See enclosed screenshot


Not sure yet whether this is an ipxe issue or a freebsd efi loader one (both freebsd 10 and 11).

When reversing to far commit 35c5379760aa1fea5e38f7a78b090f92bb7813ee, from Dec 2014, we do not entcounter the issue

(issue appeared for sure before last July, so root cause must lie somewhere in the commits between 35c5379760aa1fea5e38f7a78b090f92bb7813ee and df85901768622b8aea94d39a28effdbf90f7d4f0)

Is this a known issue ? Any clue on what could be the root cause ?


# ##################################

Script sample to embed (or to chain to) to reproduce:


echo Dhcp ...
dhcp || goto retry_dhcp

echo FreeBSD-11 (UEFI)
chain http://<YOUR_HTTP_SERVER_HERE>/freebsd11-amd64-boot-loader.efi dhcp.root-path=<YOUR_NFS_SERVER_HERE>:/freebsd11-amd64-rescue [<MISC_PARAMS>]

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