On 20-05-2019 08:30, Max Jonkers wrote:
> Dear developers,
> For a while now I have tried to setup the iPXE boot menu in a way to
> support my environment with a separate WDS and a different SCCM
> server, but somehow there seems to be no way to make both work using
> the boot menu. If i only use one of these it does work, but the second
> option never seems to be working. Do you have any idea where I could
> find support on this specific scenario? I use the WDS server for
> laptop deployment, but SCCM is used for the static workstations. I
> have tried to google this, but the setup seems to be so rare I cannot
> find anything about it. Thanks in advance!

What I think what would help, is that original poster posts three
configs.  Two for  "SCCM" and "WDS" and one with the combined menu that
apperently fails.


Geert Stappers

DevOps Engineer @ Hendrikx ITC

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