Looks good.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tomas Matousek
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 11:17 AM
To: IronRuby External Code Reviewers
Cc: ironruby-core@rubyforge.org
Subject: Code Review: miscrubyfixes

tfpt review "/shelveset:miscrubyfixes;REDMOND\tomat"
Comment  :
  Implements range conditions:
  -     If a range whose bounds are not integer literals is used as a control 
flow condition (if/unless/while-loop/until-loop/?:) it is considered a 'range 
condition'. It returns true/false depending on whether the execution state is 
in the range or not (the state is maintained in a local variable).
  -     Adjusts ParseTree to return flip2, flip3 nodes for range conditions.
  -     Removes compile time checks of range bounds - they should be evaluated 
at runtime.

  Implements regex conditions: A regex in a condition should perform match 
against $_.
  Converts a call to =~ method to MatchExpression if the left hand side is a 
regex expression (MRI doesn't call =~ method in that case).

  Stops using dynamic sites for Proc#call, we can easily use block dispatchers.

  Fixes bugs:
  -     def f; yield; end;   f {|a,b,*c| p [a,b,c] }
  -     proc{|x,| x}.call([1]).should == [1] ... This is actually inconsistent 
with yield in MRI. We had it consistent :-/.
  -     [ ironruby-Bugs-21258 ] Can't splat to unwrap an array of exceptions.
  -     Symbol#inspect should quote only symbols that are not valid 
variable/method/operator names.
  -                 Fixes 'defined?' for qualified constants and methods.


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