This information should be up to date:

if you find any discrepancies, let us know.

Bugs are tracked on CodePlex:

There is a plenty of failing specs that also need to be fixed -- see
If you find something interesting you'd like to work on send an e-mail to the 
list so that others know what you are up to.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Mike H.
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 9:37 AM
Subject: [Ironruby-core] How-to Contribute to IronRuby

I've been trying to find information on how to contribute to the project.

Given the recent changes to the solution source and website, is the information 
on becoming a contributor still current?

My hope was that I could work on issues as a way to get my feet wet.
Are these tracked exclusively on the main branch on GitHub?  I checked 
yesterday and I only saw 2 active issues.

I think this is a fantastic project.  I love being able to use my .NET 
assemblies.  Using something like Cucumber and RSpec to test my .NET classes is 
huge and honestly very exciting.  I also really like the prospect to using Ruby 
to code my Silverlight/WPF/Win Phone 7 applications.  I'm not as interesting in 
hosting Ruby code in my CLR code.

As an outsider, it looks like IronRuby is dying a slow death given the last 6 
months or so.  I want to try to do my part to keep this project not just alive, 
but vibrant.  Certainly we can offer a CLR-integrated Ruby interpreter that is 
as capable as JRuby.

Come on, put me to work! :)

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