I am attempting to call an interface method for a .net class and am
having difficulty. I'm using IronRuby v1.1.2 and working with
ScintillaNet, a .net wrapper for the Scintilla control.

A portion of the ScintillaNet::Scintilla class is below:

  namespace ScintillaNet
    public partial class Scintilla : Control, INativeScintilla,

And a portion of the ScintillaNet::INativeScintilla interface is below:

  namespace ScintillaNet
    public interface INativeScintilla
      void BackTab();

I came across another forum discussion
which seems to fall along the lines of what I'm trying to do, but I'm
not sure the features discussed there are implemented yet.

I've reduced the troublesome code to a relatively short length to play
with alternative approaches:

  require "bin/ScintillaNet"
  class ScintillaNet::Scintilla
    include ScintillaNet::INativeScintilla

    def self.ztest2()
      z = ScintillaNet::Scintilla.new()
      puts "z[#{z}]"
      #; z.BackTab() # undefined method `BackTab' for
ScintillaNet.Scintilla:ScintillaNet::Scintilla (NoMethodError)
      #; ScintillaNet::INativeScintilla(z).BackTab() # undefined method
`INativeScintilla' for ScintillaNet:Module (NoMethodError)
      #; ScintillaNet::INativeScintilla.BackTab() # undefined method
`BackTab' for ScintillaNet::INativeScintilla:Module (NoMethodError)
      puts "fence"

  puts "done"

The three approaches above yield the errors to the right of each line.

Thanks in advance for any assistance you might be able to provide.

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