I'd recommend to start with some simpler features than this one. This seems to 
be quite non-trivial to implement efficiently and correctly.
Note that getting the current stack trace is very expensive, so you'd probably 
want to encode the path into Ruby call-sites (RubyCallAction) or something like 
that. But also adding more information to all call-sites consumes more memory 
so maybe we need a special call-site for methods called "require_relative" and 
fall back to the slow stack trace capture only when the method is called via an 


From: ironruby-core-boun...@rubyforge.org 
[mailto:ironruby-core-boun...@rubyforge.org] On Behalf Of Orion Edwards
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2012 2:02 PM
To: ironruby-core@rubyforge.org
Subject: [Ironruby-core] IronRuby internals - How can I get the full path to 
the current file?

I thought I'd be a good samaritan and implement require_relative in IronRuby, 
but I'm having real trouble figuring out what the current file's path actually 

The closest I've got is something like this:

* Pull apart the the caller/backtrace to get the file name
* File.expand_path(file,  File.dirname(dir))
* require that file

This is equivalent to the existing ruby idiom of "require 
File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'lib/file1')", but this doesn't work reliably 
because __FILE__ is already relative, so File.dirname(__FILE__) often just 
returns "."
Without the full path to the current file however, this is as good as we can 

I've looked through various parts of the IronRuby source code...
- as far as I can tell the Parser/Syntax tree code (which has access to the 
file path) doesn't keep the information around
- and even if it did, I'm not sure how regular ruby code could access the 

If anyone could help at all, even with a small bit of detail, it'd be much 
Thanks, Orion


Here's my test program, which works correctly in MRI 1.92, but I cannot get it 
to work in IronRuby

require_relative 'lib/file1'
Dir.chdir 'c:/windows/system32'
require_relative 'lib/file2'

Other things I tried

- eval("__FILE__") - is hard-coded to return "(eval)"

- I thought about poking around in RubyContext.Loader.LoadedFiles, but the 
Loader doesn't know about the entry-point file (is this a bug??), which is a 
big stumbling block
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