In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The 9/11 Chronicles: Destroying a Crime Scene

Forbes reported that over the weekend of September 8-9, 2001, floors 50 and above of the South Tower experienced a power down, meaning that all electrical currents were shut off for about 36 hours.

Because there was no electric power above the fiftieth floor there were also no security cameras or security locks. There were many outside engineering personnel, however, coming and going in and out of the tower all weekend.


Washington Post Doesn't Answer Why No Bin Laden 9/11 Indictment

A Washington Post article today attempts to refute and dismiss questions as to why the FBI's most wanted page for Osama bin Laden includes no apportion of blame for 9/11 - yet the Post fails to answer why there has been no formal indictment of bin Laden five years after 9/11 when it only took three months to charge him with the 1998 embassy bombings.


Conspiracy Nuts And 9/11

They believe, for example, that on 9/11 some clown named Osama bin Laden picked up his cell phone in a cave in Afghanistan and directed 19 Muslims, none of them professional pilots, to hijack four airliners and fly them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, thereby bringing down three steel-skeleton skyscrapers, the only time in world history that has ever happened.

A humdinger of a conspiracy, that one. My conspiracy nut friends know it's true because they have it on good authority -- George Bush told them so.


Another miserable milestone for Bush's war

A miserable milestone was passed the other day. America's (and Britain's) disastrous war in Iraq has now lasted longer than the US involvement in the Second World War.


Where's the outrage?

U.S. troops have been accused of committing atrocities in Iraq. Americans should care.


You must first respect your foe

It is now clear that as much as the Israeli Army doesn’t know how to win a war, the Israeli people do not know how to lose one. Already at the late stages of the recent wave of hostility in Lebanon the Israelis were desperately searching for a scapegoat, someone to blame, someone who would take personal responsibility for the humiliating Israeli collective defeat.


Are Christian Zionists Mentally Ill?

The Jerusalem Syndrome: Video: Jerusalem attracts foreign pilgrims in their thousands, but each year dozens are diagnosed with the psychotic disorder known as "Jerusalem Syndrome".


War Crimes


Rumsfeld defends Iraq

He argues the ongoing debate could give "the enemy the false impression that Americans cannot stomach a tough fight. We must work hard to keep a "Blame America First" mentality from undermining our efforts in another long war against a determined enemy."

A couple of memos to Secretary Rumsfeld:
1. The Iraqi people had no hatred for America UNTIL WE INVADED THEIR COUNTRY.
2.Unless the entire Constitution has been thrown out the window by this administration, only Congress can declare war: what Congress gave Bush was a resolution for a police action, not a full declaration of war."">

Al-Islah: Another Crime Committed to the Knowledge and Support of the Occupiers and the Iraqi Government


With thousands of Iraqis killed at hand of US soldiers, only few charged-report

A review of military cases has found that the majority of US soldiers who served in Iraq and charged in the deaths of Iraqi civilians have been acquitted, found guilty of relatively minor offenses or given administrative punishments without trials.


U.S. troops have been accused of committing atrocities in Iraq.,1,1505995.story


"The End of Iraq: How American Incompetence Created a War Without End." Video

Peter Galbraith discusses his book . He describes his experiences in Iraq, his impressions of the current situation and the leaders in Iraq & the administration.


Two Iraqi units have refused deployment

Members of two Iraqi military units have refused orders to deploy to heavily contested areas, a top U.S. military general said.

But the apparent mutinies have been limited to just two units, according to Brig. Gen. Dana Pittard, commander of the Iraq Assistance Group, the force of 3,000 coaltion military and police trainers fanned out across Iraq."">

Eight U.S. occupation soldiers among at least 60 killed

The deaths followed bombings and shootings Sunday that killed more than 60 people across the country, from the northern city of Kirkuk to Baghdad and Basra in the south.


3 US Soldiers Killed in Iraq,7340,L-3296475,00.html


US Soldier Killed by Bomb Near Baghdad


2 Nyc Marines Die Together in Iraq


Three Coalition Soldiers Wounded in Accident in Iraq


8 US Soldiers Killed Over Weekend in Iraq


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Sunday, 27 August 2006.

  • US soldier reported killed by Iraqi Resistance sharpshooter in al-Khalidiyah.
  • Bodies of 26 Sunnis, all torture victims, found in Baghdad in 48-hour period.  Among them a mother and her three sons kidnapped by Shi‘i sectarian gunmen two days ago.
  • Resistance blasts US Marine headquarters east of al-Fallujah Sunday night.
  •  Fifty-seven families of Sunni victims of sectarian cleansing arrive in Abu Ghurayb Sunday afternoon.
  • US forces carry out campaign of mass raids and arrests in Baghdad’s al-A‘zamiyah district.
  • Resistance car bomber kills 11 at checkpoint outside hotels where foreign newsmen, profiteers stay in downtown Baghdad.
  • Resistance bomb in western Baghdad kills two puppet “Iraqi National Guards.”
  • Resistance car bomb explodes in parking lot of regime-run newspaper in eastern Baghdad.
  • Resistance targets Shi‘i sectarian militias with mortars, rockets.
  • Resistance bomb kills four puppet “Shock Troops” in eastern Baghdad.
  • Three bombs rip through convoy hauling concrete barricades.
  • Resistance bomb blasts US supply convoy north of Tikrit.
  • Resistance bomb blasts US patrol southwest of al-Mada’in.
  • Resistance blasts puppet “Shock Troop” headquarters in al-Hillah with rockets and mortars midday Sunday.
  • Resistance bomb kills officer in puppet police near al-Musayyib.
  • Resistance bomb kills four puppet “National Guards” in Kirkuk.


Why It's Not Working in Afghanistan

For the last year or more, the news trickling in from Afghanistan, the first country "liberated" by the Bush administration, has been ever more dismal -- a Taliban insurgency expanding and becoming more sophisticated in its tactics; poppy-growing and drug production on a steep upward climb; the government in Kabul faltering; and, for the U.S., the usual crop of Afghan civilians killed in operations guaranteed to stoke the flames of opposition.


Troops use up ammo as war with Taliban claims 14th life

British forces suffered their 14th combat death in Afghanistan yesterday as commanders admitted that intense fighting against the Taliban meant they were using up missiles, rockets and spares at an alarming rate.


Gunmen Kill 4, Including 2 Police In W Afghanistan

Three civilians remain missing after the attack near the Iranian border, he said.


Israeli Apartheid: Striking parallels to So. Africa

Apartheid in South Africa eventually bit the dust mostly because the inhabitants of that country, black, brown and white resisted it, putting their bodies and lives on the line.  Their resistance was aided and abetted materially, financially, politically and spiritually by people of good will the world over.  Someday the sun will rise on a post-apartheid Jerusalem, one that belongs to all the people who live there of whatever origin.


A policy of no-return

Since April 2006, Israel has imposed a sweeping ban on the return to the country of Palestinians of Western nationality, primarily Americans


What Can Israel Achieve?

Israel has always depended on its own military strength and an outside force - first the Soviet Union, then France, and now the United States - to achieve its security. Israel had better understand that it needs Hamas and Hezbollah if it is to survive.


Three Children Taken Prisoners near Qalqilia

Local sources reported that troops swept the village, conducted house-to-house search before taking Leith Abass, 14, Ayoub Mustafa, 16, and Ja'far Mustafa, 15, to unknown destinations.


Palestinian Children Assaulted by Israeli Army

The other three boys were still there, and the police officer told the HRW, who tried to intervene, that he should leave because they were “taking the kids back home”. The HRWs moved back several yards and saw the border police and the police officer take one boy after another into the military post, behind the camouflage netting, where the HRWs couldn't see what was being done. When the first boy came out again (after about 15 seconds), the HRW saw that he was holding his head, so they suspected that those boys were taken in there to beat them.


Resident, child, killed in Beit Hanoun and Rafah

Palestinian medical sources in Beit Hanoun, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, reported that one child died after an explosive left by the army detonated near him.


Israeli Occupation Forces attacks in Gaza kill 5 Palestinians

Two members of a Hamas-led security force and two presidential guards, were standing on a street in the Shajaiyeh neighborhood of Gaza City when a missile hit them, witnesses said. The four were severely burned and killed, Palestinian doctors said.


Israeli Occupation Forces kill 64-year-old man in Jenin

Palestinian sources said Monday that Sabri Khalil worked as a night watchman at a local school


Israeli Occupation Forces Kill Teen Killed

Palestine Authority sources earlier on Monday afternoon reported an 18-year-old male was killed by IOF fire in the Rafiah area of southern Gaza.


The Americanization of Canada by Harper

You may like or dislike his act as the chief cheerleader for Israel and the United States. You may even feel cheated that he had kept his ideology well concealed prior to and during the last election. But at least you know where he stands now.


Stalin and the Ukranian Massacre

Almost unknown is the genocide of 2 million of the USSR's Muslim peoples: Chechen, Ingush, Crimean Tatars, Tajiks, Bashkir, Kazaks. The Chechen independence fighters today branded "terrorists" by the US and Russia are the grandchildren of survivors of Soviet concentration camps.


Vast majority of us now officially 'bitter and angry'

Who are these 35 percent of Americans who still approve of Bush's job performance?

And why do they accuse us Bush critics of being "bitter and angry," as though our lack of complacency is some sort of character flaw?


Is this Bush's secret bunker?

As the Bush administration wages its war on terror, Mount Weather is believed to house a "shadow government" made up of senior Washington officials on temporary assignment.,,1859815,00.html


Brown says White House wanted him to lie

The ousted head of the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency says the White House wanted him to lie about the response to Hurricane Katrina.


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