
In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===


Total number of Muslim civil rights cases tops 1,900 in 2005

(WASHINGTON, D.C., 9/18/06) - A report released today by a prominent national Islamic civil rights and advocacy group indicates an almost 30 percent increase in the total number of complaints of anti-Muslim bias from 2004 to 2005.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations' (CAIR) report - the only annual study of its kind - outlines 1,972 incidents and experiences of anti-Muslim violence, discrimination and harassment in 2005, the highest number of civil rights cases ever recorded in the Washington-based group's annual report. (Hundreds of anti-Muslim incidents reported immediately following the 9/11 attacks were detailed in a separate report.) According to the study, called "The Struggle for Equality," that figure is a 29.6 percent jump over the preceding year's total of 1,522 cases.

The complete "The Struggle for Equality" report may be viewed at:


Racist : Feds raid Southfield Muslim organization

SOUTHFIELD -- FBI agents from the Joint Terrorism Task Force raided the Southfield offices of an American Muslim relief organization today, but would not disclose the nature of the criminal investigation they were conducting.

The FBI executed a search warrant at the offices of Life for Relief and Development, located off 10 Mile Road, at about 9 a.m. and remained there for several hours, FBI Special Agent Dawn Clenney said.

The reasons given to a federal judge to obtain the search warrant were sealed and no arrests had yet been made. The search is "pertaining to a criminal matter," Clenney said.


Islamophobia : An insufficient apology

When Pope Benedict recently delivered a lecture and managed to find the time and space to take a swipe at Islam, the Prophet Mohammed and effectively every Muslim, he must have expected the kind of reaction that followed across the Muslim world. If he hadn't, then he has either been on another planet these last few years or he shouldn't be in the high position he is.

what makes the Pope's words even more incredible is that he conveniently chose to ignore the reality that whilst the Catholic church was cementing the barbarism of Europe's dark ages for centuries, in which atrocities of unspeakable volumes within its lands and beyond were committed under its very guise and with its blessings, the Muslim world stretching from southern Europe to the far borders of China was busy writing literature, philosophy, art, architecture, medicine, chemistry, physics, biology, algebra and music.


Pope: Karen Armstrong: We cannot afford to maintain these ancient prejudices against Islam 

The Pope's remarks were dangerous, and will convince many more Muslims that the west is incurably Islamophobic


A Question for the Pope: Was it Muhammad who was flying those Bombers over Beirut?

Benedict quoted a medieval Catholic source on the violence of Islam's Muhammad just a couple of weeks after the armies of Judaism bombed Lebanon into the stone age for thirty-three days (a significant number in the Kabbalah).

The greatest orgy of violence by the military of any religion since the fruit of Bush's "Third Awakening Christianity" pummeled Iraq and Afghanistan's cities and villages with bombs and bullets, was perpetrated in Lebanon in July and August, with religious injunctions in favor of the mass murder issued by Orthodox Israeli rabbis.

But Pope Benedict's stern admonition last week was directed not at them, but only at the "violence of Muhammad." Excuse me, your ass-holiness, but was it Muhammad who was flying those bombers over Beirut?


The Path from 9/11

There is little doubt that that the 9/11 commission report has become the Warren commission report of our time - a fatally flawed official examination that ended up raising more questions than it answered, owing to a toxic brew of politics, partisanship, personal agendas and presidential obstruction. Chairman Thomas Kean's recent paid involvement with ABC's fictitious "historical" docudrama is but the latest reminder that the 9/11 tragedy has yet to be investigated fully or fairly.


Dictatorship Banned From The Classroom: 911 Physics Scientist Who Proved Thermite Involved In WTC Demolitions

Like a modern-day Galileo or Socrates, the highly respected physicist, who has challenged with logic and scientific evidence the official explanation for the "collapse" of the World Trade Center, has been banned from teaching classes at his university.


9/11 : Bush Tacitly Implies WTC Controlled Demolition?

During his speech Friday in which the President argued for the gutting of the Geneva convention and the legal classification of torture, Bush made a strange comment about explosives and their placement in U.S. buildings. Was this a tacit admission of 9/11 controlled demolition?


Why is Bush Admin so determined to use torture?

A lot has been written and said about President Bush’s demand that Congress “clarify” the part of the Geneva Conventions that, in effect, outlaws the use of torture under any circumstances.

We know that the world would see this action as a U.S. repudiation of the rules that bind civilized nations. We also know that an extraordinary lineup of former military and intelligence leaders, including Colin Powell, have spoken out against the Bush plan, warning that it would further damage America’s faltering moral standing, and end up endangering U.S. troops.,Q3AQ3AdCQ3AxCQ5EwCVLMvMVvCQ5EwqQ60WQ2AHQ7BvPUzHE


The Bush administration and the CIA prisons: a new campaign of lies



Attorney general warns US on torture bill 

The attorney general warned the US at the weekend that its bill to try to limit its obligations under the Geneva convention while interrogating and trying detainees risked international condemnation.,,1874783,00.html


UK accused of Guantánamo collusion 

More than 100 senior doctors today accused the government of colluding in war crimes by refusing to give medical aid to British residents detained at Guantánamo Bay.,,1875367,00.html


War Criminal at Bay

President George Bush, betrayed by the neoconservatives whom he elevated to power and by his Attorney General, Torture Gonzales who gave him wrong legal advice, is locked in a desperate struggle with the Republican Congress to save himself from war crimes charges at the expense of America’s reputation and our soldiers’ fate.


What if they gave a War?

We must think beyond geopolitical borders, beyond political parties; past the familiar labels of liberal and conservative. Working class conservatives and working class liberals alike are exploited by those in power. We must set aside the petty differences that keep us apart and seek common ground to defeat our common enemy—corporate Plutocracy.


Israel Lies : Proof (concerning the Holocaust) not allowed by law in Germany!

"A fair and independent court would have the duty to call for an examination of the evidence, fully independent of whatever has been heretofore thought, said, and assumed as self-evident."


America Corruption : The 13 most corrupt members of Congress

In the following report, CREW documents the unethical activities of thirteen Members of Congress: 10 House Members and three Senators.


Ending the Dollar's Tyranny

The dominance of the greenback has created a global empire which is controlled by a small group of corporatists and autocrats who depend on bullying and brute force to maintain their supremacy. The only way to restore the republic is to topple the empire, dislodge the dollar from its lofty perch, and even the playing field with the other currencies.


Ten Nobel Peace Prize Winners Take Aim at US

DENVER, Colorado - Ten Nobel Peace Prize laureates called for world peace Saturday and took direct aim at the United States, asking an enthusiastic crowd of 7,000 youth to demand the U.S. pull back its military, spread its wealth and offer aid to developing countries.


Murdoch Almighty: When Public Loses Opinion

People imagine that their opinions are their own, not those of corporate moguls who compete to colonise the public sphere. We are not as free in thought as we think.


When free speech costs a career: How profs' political advocacy outside academia can threaten their success within it.



When the truth is a stranger to fiction 

Did Monica Lewinsky cause the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States? Anyone who watched The Path to 9/11, the ABC two-parter about the events leading up to September 11, might be forgiven for thinking so.,,1874584,00.html


Jews - Kurd : A Long-Term Relationship

The Kurds and the Jews have been in love for as long as there have been Jews and Kurds. The Kurds helped and sheltered the Jews for centuries without expecting anything in return. The roles became reversed with the establishment of the State of Israel which became the permanent protector of Iraqi Kurdistan and Kurds in general. Israel is now in the middle of its second attempt (1991-) to establish an independent Kurdish state after the first attempt (1965-75) failed.


U.S. military deaths in Iraq hit 2,682

As of Sunday, Sept. 17, 2006, at least 2,682 members of the U.S. military have died since the beginning of the Iraq war in March 2003, according to an Associated Press count. The figure includes seven military civilians. At least 2,131 died as a result of hostile action, according to the military's numbers.


Is war in Iraq a shield against attacks at home?

WASHINGTON - The war in Iraq constitutes a perimeter defense of the United States. Simply put, the US is fighting Al Qaeda and other extremists there, so it doesn't have to fight them on American soil.


Iraq's “Death Squads” revisited: Chalabi leads “Death Squads” in Iraq.

Men wearing Iraqi police uniforms, riding police cars and using police communication devices,  they take the victim for investigation, the following day his body found dumped in one of the neglected places, often a bullet in the head after savage torture using electric drill or a head without body in a fruit box.

All the victims treated the same way, these dirty operations escalated after the attack on the shrines of Imams Al-Askari in Samarra on the 22nd of February, and coincided with the displacement of thousands of Iraqi families to other regions based on sectarian backgrounds, then the massacres on public markets, attacks on Sunni and Shiite mosques.

Iraqis accused American forces specialized in assassinations, those associated with John Negroponte head of the American intelligence, and Ambassador for a short period in Baghdad. before the arrival of the current Ambassador Zalmai Khalilzad, making use of his experience in the formation of death squads in Latin America, The liquidation of leftist rebels in San Salvador in the 1980s.

Iraqis began whispering among themselves about the presence of 'Death Squads' who are assassinating people on their identity, for the benefit of several groups


Iraq attackers kill 30, aggravate ethnic tensions

KIRKUK, Iraq (Reuters) - Insurgents killed at least 30 people and aggravated Iraq's hostile ethnic divide with a string of bombs in the northern city of Kirkuk, as well as attacks in volatile Anbar province and in Baghdad on Sunday.


Iraq: At least 69 killed in ongoing U.S. occupation

Fourteen bodies, tortured and with bullet holes in the head, were found in different districts of Baghdad on Monday, a Ministry of Interior source said.


Tension over Iraqi flag hits N Iraq

Hundreds of Iraqi flags bearing the phrase 'Allah Akbar' have appeared throughout the streets of the northern Iraqi city of Mosul in what analysts are calling an act of Arab defiance.


Iraq Puppet Goverment to regain control of another province in days

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq said on Monday it will take over security control of a second of its 18 provinces this week in the relatively calm British and Italian-patrolled south.

A ceremony will be held on Thursday to mark the handover of Dhi Qar province, currently policed by Italian troops under British command. But a large, self-contained U.S. air base located there will not be handed over.


Wounded Iraq troops given danger drug

THE Ministry of Defence has been accused of playing “Russian roulette” with soldiers' lives after it admitted using an unlicensed drug linked to 67 deaths in America.,,2087-2361438,00.html


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Sunday, 17 September 2006.

  • US occupation troops kill two Iraqi civilians in ar-Ramadi early Saturday afternoon.
  • At least 12 US troops reported killed in bombings, car bombings, and rocket strikes by the Resistance on US forces in al-Fallujah Sunday.
  • US troops murder two Iraqi youths, put one on barbaric display, provoking death of their mother from stroke in Baghdad's al-'Amiriyah district.
  • Resistance bombings in Kirkuk leave five American troops reported killed.
  •  Resistance men ambush US patrol in al-Fallujah.
  •  Two Resistance bombs blast US patrols in al-Fallujah midday Sunday.
  •  Resistance blasts joint US-Iraqi puppet army camp in al-Fallujah Sunday morning.
  •  Resistance bomb targets US column in Hit Sunday morning.
  •  Fighting reported Sunday night in vicinity of Shi'i mosque known as center for torture and murder of Sunnis in Baghdad.
  •  Bodies of 15 more Sunnis tortured and murdered by pro-American Shi'i sectarian death squads found in Baghdad.
  •  Resistance ambushes US column in Baghdad's al-'Amiriyah at midnight Saturday-Sunday.
  •  Resistance bomb blasts US column in ad-Dujayl Saturday night.
  •  Resistance bomb targets puppet “National Guard” patrol in al-Mawsil.


Afghan mission impossible: Poll

OTTAWA—Public support for Canada's military role in Afghanistan has dropped "precipitously" as more and more Canadians thinks troops are fighting an impossible mission, a new poll shows.

see also: Canada to stay in Afghanistan as long as it takes: MacKay


4 Canadian Occupation Force Soldiers among 17 Killed In Afghanistan

A suicide bomber on a bicycle killed four Canadian occupation troops and wounded at least 27 civilians in southern Afghanistan on Monday, while two other blasts in the capital and in the western part of the country killed a total of 13 Afghans, officials said.


NATO Faces Growing Hurdle As Call for Troops Falls Short

Alliance Casualties Hit 5-Year High in Occupied Afghanistan.


Painful Deception In Palestine

To avoid death by strangulation and malnutrition, the Palestinians must practice diplomatic submission and subservience to Israel-American positions.


The great escape 

Two peoples inhabit this land, we have lived here in the past, and we will continue to live here in the future. We have to work out some way of living together. We have to work out a formula for sharing our territory. We have to establish a means of cooperating to preserve our environment. We have to find a way to govern our population.


Gaza: The children killed in a war the world doesn't want to know about

Nayef Abu Snaima says his 14-year-old cousin Jihad had been sitting on the edge of an olive grove talking animatedly to him about what he would do when he grew up when he was killed instantly by an Israeli shell.

He says he clearly saw a bright flash next to the control tower of the disused Gaza international airport, occupied by Israeli forces after Cpl Gilad Shalit was seized by militants on 25 June. "I went two or three steps and the missile landed," said Nayef, 24. "I thought I was dying. I shouted 'La Ilaha Ila Allah' [There is no God but Allah]."


Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder-A Glimpse Into Israeli Collective Psychosis

The Israelis somehow fail to read the message on the wall. Rather than looking at the mirror and spotting out their obvious faults that have already matured into severe moral bankruptcy, the Israelis prefer total submission to the materialist fantasy of Nuclear Judeocide.


This is how US will attack Iran

It will take a few days, with thousands of sorties, satellite and laser-guided bombs will be aimed at targets – 1,500 already planned by Pentagon – and will try to infiltrate armed concrete, under which some of nuclear sites are hidden. Meanwhile, Washington launches diplomatic blitz in attempt to promote sanctions on Tehran


U.S. accused of covert Somolia ops

A British newspaper Sunday said the United States was conducting illegal mercenary operations to support the U.N.-backed interim government in Somalia.


10 Sri Lanka Muslims hacked to death

POTTUVIL, Sri Lanka (Reuters) - Sri Lanka's military on Monday accused Tamil Tiger rebels of hacking 10 Muslim labourers to death in the island's east, but angry local residents blamed security forces.

The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) denied any involvement in the killings, which took place near the island's Yala National Park on Sunday, instead blaming the military for the latest in a string of mass killings and abuses.


Arar inquiry blasts RCMP for triggering deportation, torture : Canada

OTTAWA  — False information given to American authorities by an inexperienced RCMP anti-terrorism team, which tagged Maher Arar as an “Islamic extremist,” very likely set off a chain of events that led to his deportation and torture in Syria, an inquiry has found.


Dictatorship : Congress Considering Strip Searching Students

Imagine an America in which school officials could strip search every student in their school based on the unsubstantiated tip that one of them might have a joint. Congress is voting on a bill Tuesday or Wednesday that could make these police state tactics more common.


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